-*+ 18 +*-

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{ - This took so long to write... I kept getting bored lol. Don't hate me! - }

-= Bella =-

Josephine was an amazing actress. I half expected Amber to switch our roles. She spoke all her lines easily and fluently, and I was transfixed for a moment before I snapped back to reality and realized everyone was waiting on my line.

When we finished Amber gave me a hug and Edward a handshake.

"Okay, guys, I'm afraid I have to go home, however I would like if you would go with Steve to see all of your dressing rooms. You've all seen them so far except for Josephine, but none of you have seen each others. Do you all still have your keys?" Amber said all of this very quickly, and I fumbled through my wallet in my back pocket to pull out the lime green key with the sparkly emerald 'B' on it and waved it in the air.

Edward pulled out a baby blue key with a royal blue matte 'E' on it.

Josephine looked lost and confused.

"Don't worry, hon. Steve's got it. He'll give it to you when you get there." Amber informed her, and she nodded.


Soon enough we were all to where the shooting would happen - I got a ride from Edward - and we all walked up to the dressing rooms. I noticed now what I hadn't before; my dressing room was in between two others.

"Ladies, we're going to Mr. Cullen's first." Steve told us, and we all went to the far left room. Edward stuck his key in the keyhole and turned it, the door making a soft click as it unlocked.

Edward pushed open the door and as we stepped inside I was greeted by a manly aroma. It smelled like Edward - but on a much concentrated level. It made my head spin as the delicious scent wafted into my nose. Spices and lavender... Maybe some gingerbread?

The carpeting was white, the walls a dusty greyish blue. I immediately realized that both of our rooms had nearly the same furniture. There was a white wood desk on the far left corner of the room with a black, sleek, expensive-looking laptop. The chair was white wood, too. To the right of the door was a white loveseat with dark blue pillows slid up against the wall with the door. In front of it was the same glass coffee table with a tungsten-coloured bowl filled with rainbow-coloured gumdrops.

I stole a green one while I thought no one was looking, but Edward caught my eye and smirked, winking.

My eyes flickered over to the closet door, wondering what his wardrobe looked like. Before I could walk over, however, Steve shook his head at us.

"Jewels told me not to let any of you see the other's clothes," he said in his gruff voice. I shook off the chills his voice sent wavering down my spine and nodded.

"On to Bella's dressing room, shall we?" he asked after a little while of looking around. We all scurried out of Edward's dressing room and went to the next door. Pulling out my key, I unlocked the door.

"Whoa! I love this room!" Josephine exclaimed, running her soft fingers along the seafoam coloured walls.

"Thanks," I smirked. I watched Edward walk over to my bowl of kit kat minis and steal one. Popping into his mouth, he stared at me braggingly after catching my eye.

I rolled my eyes but smirked anyway as Josephine wandered around the room taking in every possible detail.

"Okay, are you ready to see your dressing room, Josephine?" Steve asked, and she nodded excitedly. Steve and Josephine left the room and I was about to follow when I saw Edward still lingering by my candy bowl. Rolling my eyes again, I stormed over and grabbed his wrist, pulling him out of my room.

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