-*+ 23 +*-

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{ - Could it be? A second update in the same day? Have I finally gotten my priorities in check? No, to be honest you guys, know that school always comes first. I'm proud to announce that I finally got myself back on A-B honour role... I would've gotten A honour role if my stupid teacher in ONE CLASS gave me three more teensy weensy little points -_- but oh well! I have to cram this weekend for a test that will make or break me for the report card coming up right after Christmas break. Basically what I'm saying is that school is important to me, guys, so that will always come before updating. That's why I rarely update. I'm sorry that I'm not sorry if this upsets anyone. Anyway, on to the story guys :) PS. my comment above was not meant to be taken as rude, I love you all to death but I just wanted to explain myself 💚 - }

-= Bella =-

We all gathered at the island where Rosalie was plating up sloppy joes onto hamburger buns and Emmett was staring greedily at the food.

Edward held the stool out for me, making me blush profoundly.

I sat on the stool, murmuring a thank you before a porcelain plate was placed carefully in front of me.

"Rose's special recipe?" I asked her.

"Rose's special recipe." She replied, and I smiled.

Rosalie might just be my manager, but she was also a mean cook. She even had her own special recipe for homemade sloppy joes.

Trust me, it was to die for.

She never tells anyone the secret recipe, but I'm pretty sure if anyone asked she would use one of those sh*tty cliche answers like 'love' or something.

Cue eye rolling.

Emmett practically dove into the chair to the left of me. God, he had an appetite. You would think he was a thirteen year old boy.

Edward sat on my right, and after Rosalie finished serving the plates, she sat on Emmett's left.

For the most part, lunch was a quiet event. Emmett inhaled his two burgers within minutes, and then asked for seconds. Rosalie, slightly irritated because she had barely gotten through her first one, served him again frustratedly.

"I love you," he said when she gave him his plate.

"Yeah, shut up," she muttered, returning to her dinner.

I knew they would be fine and that Rose could never be mad at him, but I continued to keep my mouth shut as I moved on to my second burger. Edward just finished when Rose returned, so he placed his dish in the sink before returning to his seat.

"You don't have to stay, you know," I informed him after swallowing a bite. "You can go watch tv or something."

"But," he said, taking my right hand and playing absentmindedly with my fingers. "I don't want to."

Just this simple little gesture made my stomach flutter, and I suddenly wasn't hungry anymore.

"Youf gon' eat fhat?" Emmett asked, his voice muffled by food as he pointed to my half eaten burger. I grimaced.

"Knock yourself out, kid," I said, pushing my plate towards him.

"That's disgusting," Rose whined as he ate my burger, not even caring that I had bitten from it.

"No, it's actually really good. I thought you had some. You want a bite?" Emmett asked after his mouth was cleared.

"I meant the fact that you were eating something that Bella ate off of." she said, cringing.

"Wow. I didn't know I was that repulsive," I smirked, but deep down that was a low blow.

"You know what I mean, B," she said, rolling her eyes at me and smiling. I couldn't resist it; I smiled right back.

All the while, Edward continued playing with my fingers, each touch causing another shock to shoot through my body.

"You know what?" Rosalie spoke suddenly. All of our gazes turned to her, but even still Edward was undistracted. "We should go on a double date tonight.

I snorted. Edward's fingers froze on mine. Emmett grinned.

"Hell yeah!" he boomed.

"Hell no," Edward and I said at the same time.

I honestly wouldn't mind. I'm just following the crowd.

"Come on, please?" Rose begged.

"Yeah guys, come on!" Emmett encouraged, and Edward and I exchanged a sidelong glance before turning back to them.

"Fine," we sighed.


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