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-= Bella =-

A few hours passed, and I was sitting next to Edward on his bed. Emmett had a separate room, and no doubt Rose and him were making out in there.


No thank you.

Edward was web-surfing as I scanned his books that were neatly organized on a shelf that was built into the headboard. I found a thick book with a brown leather cover, and on the front in silver calligraphy it read 'A Collection of Mark Twain'. I decided to flip through it.

I was about halfway through The Prince and the Pauper when Edward tapped my knee gently. I looked up curiously from my book and Edward turned his laptop towards me.

"Do you like this?" he asked gently.

On the screen a gorgeous gem necklace - an emerald encrusted on a spirally silver set, strung on a shimmering silver chain. The emerald matched Edward's eyes perfectly. {Image at the beginning}

"It's beautiful," I said honestly, offering him a gentle smile before turning back to my story.

I saw him nod gently before pursing his lips and turning the laptop back towards himself.

I wondered why he asked me about it. he wouldn't get it for me, would he? And, if he did, why would he? I knew I was just being stupid - why would he ever get me anything? He was probably just looking for something for his mother. Yeah, maybe her birthday is coming up, just like mine...

Stop giving your hopes up, I told myself, he would never get you a necklace - or anything for that matter.

Sighing, I gave up on reading and shut the book rather forcefully. I shoved it back on the bookshelf, not caring if it was in the right place or not.

Edward glanced over to me curiously, but I just shook my head. I stood up off the bed and began walking to the door when firm, warm hands held my waist. I did a sharp, audible intake of breath as I felt Edward's warm breath on my neck.

"Where are you going?" he breathed, electricity pulsating through me from his touch.

"T..To get something to eat," I stuttered as I felt my heartbeat accelerating.

"Why? I have something else in mind..." Edward trailed off, turning me towards him. My heart was pounding in my stomach as his hands trailed from my waist down to my hips.

Before I could ask him what he was doing, he mashed his lips to mine. His kiss was rough and desperate, like he had been locking this kiss away for so long.

"Bella," he panted, as I kissed back and tugged on his hair.

"Bella," he said again, slightly less breathless this time.


My eyes snapped open and were greeted by Edward's face, only about a foot away from mine. It was a dream? Why did it have to be a dream? I mean... why did I dream about that?

"You dozed off after you put the book away," Edward explained, brushing a matted lock of hair out of my groggy face.

I just grunted in response before frowning.

It was just a dream...

"Bell, what's wrong?" Edward asked me, lifting my head up with his forefinger, his thumb placed gently on my chin.

"Nothing. I just had a good dream, that's all." I muttered.

"Oh," Edward mumbled. "Sorry."

I nodded at him before sighing and standing up.

"Lets go get food," I said.


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