Chapter Twenty Three

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Rashad you coming?

It was twenty minutes until i was due to route schueled usual meeting but if she wanted the D now I was ready. I grabbed some Jimmy's from my side, "Ay CHOP CHOP time to go sunshine." I told Vanessa who was asleep on the sofa when I woke her up, "Rashad cant I stay?"

"Stay to do what?"

"Chill with you"

"Itye, Im gone yeah I cant be bothered with you"
"Why you so eagier to go to your probation! What she giving you that Im not?!"She shouted after me as I left, I couldn't be bothered with her, not today, not now.

When I got there the atmosphere weren't how it usually was, something wasn't right, something was really bookey. I kissed on her neck, she loves it usually but, she weren't feeling it today, she pushed me away by my chest leaving me confused. "What's up with you?" I asked gently pulling her chin up so we would have eye contact , She let a long sign before I heard her cry. "Naomi? Naomi What's the matter? Your always bawling theses days like, if it's whoever did that the other day then-"
"It was Remi and Daniel."
"Daniel? And that dickhead man of yours, I told you about Daniel, you didnt listen to me, You should of reffered him off when you had the chance, what did I say? But Narh, you think you can help everyone, get through to every hood bre, but it dont work like that he-"
"Im pregnant Rashad." She blurted out, putting a massive stop to my rant. There was silence for a while, a big suspense, she fidgetted with her hands, Ive never seen her so nervous, she's usually that girl, now, now she just looks terrified.

"When did you find out?"

"Yesterday, Yesterday yeah, around One O clock I went to the hospital for comformation........Rashad.....Shad say something."

"What do you want me to say? I dont even know where to start,you being pregnant or Remi and Daniel."
"Remi said it needs to stop or he's gonna tell everyone."
"Wait Hold up, Hold up. Hold up lets rewind, Your telling me it was Remi and Daniel.Then you told me your pregnant, then your telling me Remi say's we cant see each other-"
"Rashad, I just dont know what to do...."

"Gimmie your phone." I instructed

"Just give me your bludclart phone Naomi." I snapped,she reluctantly gave it over, and I went on her conatct list and tapped Remi's contact profile , "Tell him you want to meet him tonight brockwell park,"

"W-" She stopped looking at me straight in the eye's looking into my firey gaze as I looked into her watery one, she knew not to ask questions.

"Did you do the right thing Naomi? Did you tell him it was over?"

I wanted to fuck this bre up so much, about he was tryna blackmail, Naomi, my girl, yeah I said it, My girl, I didnt know what he thought he was playing at.

"I need to meet you, Tonight at Nine that's when Im free. Brockwell park , Im sorry I just wanna make it up to you."
"You know its gonna take me a while until I forgive you, but I'll meet you, Inabit."
She cut the phone off looking at me,

"What you gonna do?"

"Don't worry." I said getting up,

"Wait we didn't do our session"
"Session?" I semi chuckled, "We both know what Im about to do for me and you has nothing on our dumb little session that gov set up for me like say Im in secondary school, Im only gonna go out and do bad again just this time it wont be a detention but prison, so come correct, tell me what you really wanted to say?"

"We need to talk about it, Have you just forgotten what I told you?"

"What is there to talk about Naomi? Amma always be here for you, and this youte that soon come, if Remi and Daniel have a problem with that then there gonna get what's coming to them init, so dont go stressing about that, I got this."
She hugged me tight, I felt her pain, but it was gonna be okay, it was gonna be okay for the three of us.

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