Chapter Tweny Four

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"Yung Reepz, I got love for you, but what am about to do, I dont want you invovled in it."He took out the strap from the side and gave it to me, "Now I want you to go home-"
"Theres no electricity in the yard,everyting lock arf big time, no food, nothing. And I aint sleeping in the bando again, if one more nitty try-"
"Stay at mine init. For as long as you need. One of the man there will sort you out when you reach. Just throw away your clothes cah I cant have fed catch on to this, there gonna be on a mad one if they do.DNA and all sorts so make sure every little part of you is clean up to you is clean with no evidence cah Feds latch on to the littlest things like that ,just pick any of my trackys to wear init."
"The trap star one?" His face lit up making me chuckle.
"Gwarn den. Cah youve had your eye on dat one for time ahlie since I coped it?"
"Lemme not lie still." He chuckled,
"Itye say nuttin inabit my ghee. One thing dont bring a whole of youngers ina da bludclatt yard yeah?"
"yeah"He said before climbing out the car. As I drove to brockwell I rode slow, visually playing out what I'd do to this bre once I catch him. I Imagined plunging the knife in his gut, and twisting,letting his blood drip in satisfaction, there was no need for the gun I was gonna do it Old school style, the strap was only if he wanted to act bunny.
I parked my car, locked it and proceeded to walk to brockwell park. I look back every so often, paranoid; thats what Ive become, I put on my leathers, and walked into the park, I needed to have blood on my hands tonight.
"Rah, I should of known." He chuckled shaking his head as he stood on the grass, his tore into mine, he held an content look on his face, like everything was casj, he clearly didnt know what was comimg. "Swear I warned you."
"Sweardown? Naomis still mine though."
"yours?" I laugh, "itye say nuttin thats why shes carrying my youte."
"Dont ever try blackmail her, us. You know how much shes been stressing, over that dumb stunt you pulled, Ive warned you in private but you dont listen, do you?"
"Dont chat to me like that, Ay you lot." He called out.About five man came out from behind, but when I backed out my gun, bussin shells it was like every man ran, he stood there looking dumbfounded,what kinda mandem? I chuckle. It made me think, if Naomi would of come would his plan be to fuck her up? This infuriated me even more. He moved closer, punched me in the nose, blood imerging fast, reminding me of the time Naomi did me like this first time we met making me laugh,smile as i plunged the knife into him, as it went deeper I saw the life suck out of him more and more, more and more I became happier, my smile grew. "At least I got to your sister first." He screached, "What?What do you mean got to my sister? What the fuck did you do?"He smiled as he held his wound, that got deeper by the minute. I needed to get to Riell, I dont know what he means. As I turned my back,I felt the sharpest pain in my back,it was as if I could feel my insides burning. He got me good, bleeding loads, didnt know what was next, it wasnt long before his gaze caught the loaded gun that stayed on the side of my waist. He staggered around me until he reached for it quickly, sharply. "Its mad you know. How the tables have turned, shes always gonna be mine, baby or no baby, you were just a paigon from the start. Now your gone, good I let your sister hold cocky doe"
I opened my eye's, I was bare weary and that, confused on what had just happened.
She stood over his body with a baseball bat in her hand, Adreneline in her eyes, I quickly got up forgetting about the pain that consisted all over my body. "I killed him" She whispered, hardly audible.
"Naomi you-"
"I only did it because he was about to kill you. Rashad- I- I- it didn't mean to-, oh no." She spoke quickly stumbling over her words
"You didnt do nothing. It was me, yeah? If feds ever find out, when they ask it was me. I aint letting you go through that, you didn't do nothing."
She tried to defeat tears but there was no point, I held her tight as she bawled like a newborn baby, "You didn't do nothing baby." I mumble into her neck, "Nothing at all"

she looks up at me with red eye's, and I gently pull her into a kiss as she holds my face, we share a soft slow passionate kiss, she then pulls away and tells me, "Your my only way out."

She was mine too.

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