Chapter Thirty Two

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some weeks later.

I press the doorbell the third time, waiting for an answer. Legally, this was my house Rashad was living in, and I could take it away from him in a blink, but yet he's got me waiting outside here in the cold like I'm moist. Once more, I push my finger on the small white circle, still no answer. But as I clench my fist ready to knock, the door swings open and I see this girl standing there, with my baby in her arms. "Who are you? Where's Rashad, and why are you holding Mackenzie?" I barge right past her then stop myself  so that we would be face to face once she turned around from closing the door. "I said-"
"I heard what you said, Naomi"
Is she brave? Lol.
"Pass him over now, before I phone the police. I do not know who you are, and why you are in my house. Give him to me and leave."
"Im sorry but I cant leave, as far as I am aware this is Rashad's house, he is paying me to look after Mackenzie and that is what I am going to do."
"So looking after Mackenzie involves wearing my clothes? Thought my stuff would be safe, In my house, but yet I come back to see a next girl holding my child and wearing my clothes. What the fuck, what else is he paying you for, sex?"
You could tell by her expression she was embarrassed.
"Take off my clothes, and give me my son."
"What- I"
"You heard what I said."
Cautiously, she passed over a sleeping Mackenzie- it felt good to have him in my embrace again.
I walked over to the living room with Mackenzie in my arms, and heard her footsteps behind me.
"Your starting to annoy me now, I want my clothes." I know, I know Im being childish but  I dont care.
"Rashad said you wouldn't mind, my top- Mackenzie vomited on it."
"Oh so your blaming this on my son now?" Came my quick response.
"No I m not trying to do that,- and my jeans they-"
"Yeah make up another lie."
"They are in the wash, they will be dry soon, are you really going to make me walk around in my underwear.
"Does it look like I care?"
She began to take my clothes off, the red all over her face yeah-  lol, you lightsking girls- I remember when I wanted to be like you in my adolescents, now mans a big youte and I love me and my chocolate self, even though my baby gets as red as this tomato standing here infront of me. With her curly blondish hair and her light brown eyes, pink lips  and small perky nose, pale much when she's not red like now, big breast probably why Rashad picked this one to be the babysitter, that's all she is, the babysitter  she would never be anything else, right? After a while of intense staring at eachother we hear the front door creak open, and Rashad's voice. "Yeah I just got back. Just gonna spend some time with Mackenzie then I'll holla you in like an hour, alright, bless." As his voice got nearer, I saw how her smile widened. Now I wished that I let her keep my clothes on, because when Rasha walked in, he didn't even notice me, his eye's fixed on her body. "Hi Rashad." He jumped  hearing my voice. "Look what the cat dragged in."
"Rashad, you told me your ex was crazy but not this crazy. She made me take off my-"
"You said I was crazy?"
"Wait- wait hold on. You told her to take off her clothes for what reason? And you wonder why I might say such a thing. Trudy put the clothes back on Im sorry for this yeah, Naomi sort yourself out."
"Are you being serious Rashad?" I asked him.
He signed, walking up to me and taking Mackenzie out my arms.
"I cant be bothered, I aint gonna force you anymore."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean- there's no more me and you. For real this time."
"No buts. To be honest yeah, I think the only reason why I needed  you back was because of Mackenzie, needing help with him and all that, but all you brought was drama non stop. Now Trudy's here init, and the burden aint too tough, cah she's helped me a lot"
"Aww." I hear her say, God knows I wanted to slap her up.
"Not even to say she's taken your place but- yeah in a way she has. And this time its not like, when your back everyone jumps"
"When I'm back? Rashad it's not like I've been away again. I've been sorting my stuff out before I came back to you guys"
"Like what?" He asked
"A job, my living situation since you have made yourself comfy here and Even brought the yatt with you"
"Pardon?" Says Trudy, seriously I do not know who gassed this girl up to come at me like she did. I pull her, I slap her, and I'm slapping her even harder, and it's so funny that Rashad can't do anything to stop it as he is holding our little boy. I hear him wince at he last slap I give her, then he finally jumps in; putting Mackenzie down as he does. He drag me off her with all this force and I'm smirking, watching her weep on the floor. His words do not even mean anything, as he holds me up and shouts in my face all I've got in my mind is getting rid of her, she was going to be a problem a big one.

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