Chapter Thirty Four

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"But you do know that, you have no rights against my son right? Just because you've been with him for a while does not give you any  say in this. The only part you play in this is being his little side chick"
"We will still take action" She said bluntly
"Is that you want to be all your life?" Naomi shouts "A fucking side chick, ruining shit for everybody else?" Rashad sits back in his chair watching the whole situation, he was the reason why they were fighting yet he found he had little say, why was that? He thought. "Mothers I'm gonna start banging faces you don't understand!" Naomi gets up holding her fist in her hand.
"Rashad! Why you letting this happen?" Says Denzell as he walks into the livingroom. Denzell tried to keep his distance from the situation knowing that if he made his relationship with Naomi obvious it wouldn't sit well with Rashad. Yes, relationship two months now,  and another two months Naomi wasn't able to see her child. They were granted joint custody, but Rashad having the mindset that he was above the law he still didn't budge, Naomi still  was denied access. "Rashad why you being like this?" close to tears, she begins to plead. "Rashad I loved you." Denzell, felt some type of way when she said this. "You said that- you said that., when I got better we would be a family again and look what your doing. It should be me trying to get away from you! Me trying take Mackenzie away. When my friends told me that having a baby with you was a bad decision I said no, I said that you- you weren't like that. That I had seen how you were with Mali and Jace and I loved it, and I'm right. Your great with him, everything a dad should be! But what your doing wrong is not letting me see him. Cool, I get it. I understand that if being with me was only a faze and your over it fine- but we have a child, please don't take him away from me Rashad please don't."
"Are you remembering how you didn't want him because you thought there was gonna be something wrong?"
Trudy gasps, she loved this every second of it.
"Naomi lets go- look, this obviously isn't going no where"
"Lets go?" Rashad repeats "Lets go? Bredda? Is that how the ting set now?" he pauses and looks between them "You and Naomi" He chuckles "Realtionship goals?" This was all too complicated- Rashad couldn't deny the feeling he just had in realisation that Naomi and Denzell were together. The feeling of jealously, just a spark of it. WHY THOUGH? He asked himself, because he still loved her so why was he doing this..........?

"You was a mistake! MISTAKE CHILD!"  Loraine shouts in his face, "I only wanted a girl and I find out I'm having twins? "
"But Mum, if we are twins weren't we together from the start?"
And with that, she kicked Rashad out into the  dusty hallway. He noticed how a unknown man came out the toilet and  went back to the livingroom where his mum was- that was her type of work. He thought how, his mum wasn't really that bad and how it was because of her mental illness she a was that way but then things started to change and this mental illness was ruining a lot of things, from then he came to the conclusion that this thing called mental illness, didn't sit well with him and he never wanted a parent that had one and never wished one on his worst enemy........

"On a level Reepz- you need to calm down bro."
"Don't bro me!"
"What are  pissed  for though ,because me and Naomi's legit now? When just seconds ago you were chatting shit? Make up your mind! Word, I'm tired of seeing you treat her like shit.When you  were telling  me about her I thought she would be one of them girls but she really isn't . She's gone too long without a real man in her life, and I wont allow her to take anymore shit, on a real ting"
"Wow- so you go after his friend aswell! Listen Naomi-"
"No you listen!" And with that- Naomi pounced on her, slamming her straight to the ground.Then all of a sudden Naomi felt big firm hands grab her back and her being cradled like a baby as she kicked and shout to be let go. "LET ME GO!" She screeched "I WANNA KILL HER! I WANNA KILL HER!"


"Now look what you done." Denzell tells me, he had just managed to calm me down. He was looking up at me as he knelt down, shielding my hands while I sat on a bench. "You in court again, that's just gonna be another thing against you."
"I know" I sniffed "But- she's just, she just-"
"Yeah I get it. She's just one of them ones init. But it aint her you should be getting pissed off at. Yatts, will be yatts Naomi.  And Naomi, I want you to learn that people like her are gonna be there all your life and playing into them will only give them the satisfaction that they want. What happened to the girl you say you was before you met Rashad? Where she gone like? What's happening, you turning into Mrs Ratchet out ere? Because I can tell you weren't raised like that by only being outside your house."
"How can you tell?" I kinda laugh.
"You know that look- of a good family home."
"Well boy were far from that"
"Well make that with Mackenzie. I'm just gonna guide you but I want you to do the work. work work work work work work, see mi affi....." He kisses his teeth "Come on I know you wanna sing it.
I roll my eye's and let the words roll off my tongue reluctantly "work work work work work work"
"So, your first mission"
"Is Rashad, I promise you that by the end of this week your gonna have Mackenzie, know that."


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