Chapter twentysix

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I closed the door shut, doing the extra locks my sister made sure were inforced after that fatal day. I had just dropped my nephews off to school/nusery. Ive been doing most of that since the day it happened, you know the day Remi said, I made your sister hold cocky he raped her, beat her black and blue in the process. She hasnt spoken a word, nor eaten, I can see the life sucking out of her day by day, and it fucks me up. I grab a plate from rack, open up pot of rice I nearly burnt and pile on some curry goat over it and coleslaw on the side. Leaving the kitchen I take it upstairs with me to her room. She's sitting on the edge of her bed staring into space, her curls covering her eye's and her hands trembling. "Ri?" I call "Riell?"
"Baby girl, you gotta eat You know. What happen to thick girls are winning and all of that bullshit you chat about?....Riell answer me man just say something " I walk closer,she flinches instantly.Signing heavily,I put the food down along with the other plates of food she refused to eat, and sit next to her "You cool?"I asked her, dumb question but I dont know what to say to her anymore. I was met by silience yet again, "Riell you cant keep doing this,Look I know your hurt-and I understand. B I get that its hard, I get it.Remember when I got shot I was so paranoid I didn't leave the yard,I thought everyone was out to get me,and that was partly true, still is but I had to get up look after you and my nephews. The difference with me is I know I have a whole leap of man that want me dead but, hes gone. Hes dead. He ain't coming back,hes a myth."
Her bottom lip trembles
Her eyes become more glossier
As she fights back tears
"Riell look at me when Im talking to you sis." I gently push her chin towards my face,all the tears stayed stored up,her eyes glistened,shined even when she blinked it all came out though.All the tears,everything. I held her as she cried, seems like we've been here for time but I love her,  my twin sister the thought of doing her like that fucks me up,levels.Like mans ashamed, I couldnt protect her at the time she needed me the most I was busy with the girl that don't even want to tell everyone about me and the baby in her life , now we were dealing with the consequences. She looked up at me, her face red eyes too snotty nose in all, "Its not the same you know" Her voice something I haven't heard for days,for some twin brothers that would be ideal init.
"Whats not?"
"Being shot, or wounded.Its much worst."
"Tell me how you feel sis?"
"Everything I thought I knew began to unravel and I was in the most darkest loneliest feeling I've ever felt.I remember the night as if just happened. I had just got the boys to bed and I was in the livingroom finishing of an essay then I hear your name being called out"

Riell's Flashback
"Ayyy Rashad! Ayyy Rashad I know your in there open the fucking door"
Trying to drain the sound out by digging my headphones in only made it worse as I could still hear the voice in the background which was sooner or later going to wake up my sons. I quickly reached for my phone over the consistent shouting and banging. He didn't even pick up, Rashad didn't even answer his phone in a time like this, despite the plenty times he has stressed to me that I should call him whenever and he would be there, what now? Whoever it was was starting to get on my neves as I could hear Jace beginning to moan from upstairs. So I went up to the both of them and told them it was going to be okay, and that their Uncle Rashad would sort it out and that they should both go back to sleep. "Good night Mali" I kissed his forehead, "Good night Jace" I did the same ruffling my hand through his brown curls. My acting skills were A1 when it came to those boys I couldn't let them know how frightened I was, scared even. Swallowing down my fear I walked towards the door and opened it. A tall handsome dark skinned boy stood in front of me, he was good looking alright but I couldn't get my head around why he was doing something so ugly ? "Where's he?"
"Where's who?" I played dumb
"Don't be silly. Rashad"
"Well he's not here so you can leave my front door" as I slowly closed the front door he stuck his foot in-between climbing into the house and pulling me to the floor. I froze. He slammed the door and his body hovered over me as he took off his Hermes belt throwing it on the floor. He then cane down next to me, his breathe in my neck making me shiver. "Your gonna get it now" he gritted through his teeth
"No please" I stuttered.
"Who told you to get rude, all I wanted to know was where you brother is." He gritted through his teeth again which I once saw as  shiny, white and perfect but now we're yellow and disgusting, he was slowly turning ugly by his ugly actions.
Then he did it.
And felt he need to leave me some bruises sprawled around my body.
I couldn't describe how I felt in this moment of time all I could feel was pain and all I could see was him getting up, smirking at me, and opening the door to leave after he raped me.


"And that's what happened, and now I feel like I'm nothing, if I can't protect myself how am u suppose to protect my boys?"

"You are something , your a mum to them boys a sister to me,and you know I rely on you too init."
"R-Gwola squaaaaaaa"We recite as we did our handshake we made up as kids, I laugh shaking my head "I had you  then,and I got you now,tell me how your feeling,whenever.Im here init,Im local,real local."
"Do you mean that?"
"yeah for sure, I love you Riell."
"Why did he come for me?"
"Cuz hes a dickhead.He was looking for me,but he came at you like what the fuck?Hes rotting in hell rigt now sis,paying for what he done,dont worry hes gone,forever."

"For once I cut through and this yard is looking clean,what you man got gyal in here?" I ask as I dive into the sofa,I was in my black armani tracky today with black jordan futures,a black bomber jacket too and my wooly stone island hat I held. "Narh. Yung Reepz just doing one two chores here and there zee me?" Mayhem chuckled before he licked the end of his rizla,"Ay,you better leave my man alone, about one two chores .You got him doing house maid, narhh lah it,lah it."
Kamzi laughs "its bants."
"Wheres he anyway?"
"Frontline with the rest of the youngers init."
"But why doe?Cah moretime,ends are hot rigt now because what happened yesterday's so when fed cut through its gonna be a myth,call up one of dem, just tell dem to circle the block init but not in large groupes init cah dats when feds be doing active, some near cold-harbour lane too, tell em if they see any next youtes from next part to bring them to me"
"yeah circle ends init"Mayhem repeated on the phone to one of them.
"Enroute bando" I stand up yawning as     I stretch
"No,enroute Vanessa. Wifeys calling."Kamzi said looking at my Caller ID
"Your fruity did you actually save her as that." Mayhem said taking the phone of his ear.
I take my phone and answer Naomi as I stand in the hallway.

No reply
"you good yeah?"
"You know how long I been ringing off this phone?"
There we go...
I chuckle shaking my head, any how next gyal ever spokee to me the way she did.
"Ive been busy init. Anyway don't even call me like everything is alright when you haven't told anybody"
"Well thats where your wrong init"
"Stop gassin.You aint got the guts  g"
"Thats why Ive been kicked out and stayed with Asia the night?"
"Rah, Big man ting?"
"Forget you then, why would I need to lie?"
"Wait,wait, wait dont hang up when Im tryna have a conversation with you."
"Well I cant be bothered for your petty games!Like real talk I might aswell go"
"Link me so we can talk about this then."
"I'll see you at our meeting tommorow because youve just spoilt my mood."
"I dont know if its dem mood swing tings now your pregnant, I really dont care,but what I know is thay you need to come correct when your talking to me, you better fix up by tommorow,I swear down."
"Aye dont hang up on me-------
I look at my phone feelign violated,I dunno what she was on real talk

"I hope you lot dont see me diffrently now?" I sit back into Kaylas bed awaiting my bestfriends response. I had told them everything,well not entirely,not about me deading a man but about Rashad,and what we've been doing for months and how its resulted into me falling pregnant. "Naomi, Ah." Kayla emphasized my name adding a little african accent to the mix,aswell as hand clapping,who did she think she was , about Oga lightskin? "I always knew you were a bad bread at heart you know." Asia said looking at me with a slight grin
"Uno lyk dat." Kayla added "But wait I dont know where to start, with the bre or the baby?"
"Start with Rashad."
"Reepz uno. Naomi and Reepz its fucking chalk and cheese bruv." Asia says "How did this even-How did you?"
"Its mad I know."
"Mad for true."Kayla says
"But if anything we got your back"Asia tells me
"Zee me, hundred percent" Kayla hypes
"One arda."Asia throws up the pose making me laugh
"Narh but forreal,foreal.We got you.And you can stay as long as you want my mum loves you."Asia says.
"So how far gone are you?"
"only a month."
"I call dibs on Godmum." Kayla said

"About, your funny who's yard is ace staying at now" Asia laughed
"Who's more reliable Nay ?You don't have to lie everyone knows Asia jumps when her man calls when she's babysitting she will just leave the pickney on the side!"
"Oh my god you two."

I had to write this on my phone so it's a bit bookey

And I didn't proof read it so sorry for mistakes

Please remember to vote and comment though xxxx😊

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