Chapter Twenty Five

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Two weeks since the day Remi died.
Since the day I killed him, sometimes I cant get my head around it, its like im constanly on edge, sitting by my bedroom window as if Im waiting for the police to pull up and arrest me.That day hasnt come yet, and Im thankful, but its like I cant-I cant trust myself,Im guilty and at this rate nobody will find out and thats what I cant live with, carrying the guilt carrying the shame around with me wherever I go. Lying on my bed, I let the tears roll I wondered how long Id be able to keep this act up. The knock on the door brought me back to that night I smashed baseball bat into his head, anything loud,that banged, triggered a reaction these days."Who isit?"
"Stop playing that white girl act about who is it."
"Ive missed you baree." He said whilst opening the door to my bedroom, Oluwaseun,I loved him, hes like a dad to me in a sesnse, his hair had grown, and his facial hair too, the slits that made the girls go crazy were no longer evident, he had looked as if he had been working out due to the size of his arms, he had my choclate skin dami was the only lighter skinned out of the three of us, and earring in his left ear and the nicest smile not that Id ever admit that to him though. "So wagwarn for you?" He asks after explaining to me everything that has happened "Im Pregnant." I admit, I havent even told my parents or Dami, I just knew my brother wouldnt judge.
"Rah. Big man ting?"
I nod "Found out about two weeks ago."
"Shit den" He signs shaking his head, "You know normally I would of been all hype. But I cant really chat cah I aint been here for you and Dams, and that fucking hurts but what amma make sure from now is that I am" It went quiet for a couple minutes, I was just awaiting the question "So is the baby's dad that bre dat died den?The one you were seeing, what was his name again?"
"Dats it."
"Hes not the dad."I blurt out
"What?But mum said he proposed to you and everything"
"Im telling you Seun."
"rahh"Seun shakes his head as he stands up, "and your the good one."
"Do you think less of me now?"
"You obviously aint telling me the full story so how my suppose to judge you little sis? Whatever you done,Whatevers happen, I love you init, you Dami and mum."
"and dad." I add, He kisses his teeth
"Aint got no love for that man.Anyway as I was saying Ill always have your back."

I was at a very weird point in pregnancy, a stage where I was finding my feet, Its weird because my cravings are the things I used to hate, Im feeling sick often and its getting harder to hide it being sick, or even being sick when my family  are in the house, although I have noticed my mum keeping a special eye on me, but she hasnt latched onto anything just yet. And it was not like my brother was here to help either, him and my dad got into an argument and the next morning he was gone, Im sure he'll be back though and the cycle will repeat itself.
One new Message
why you been ignoring my calls?
I slide my thumb across my screen
unlocking my phone, my hands hovered around the keyboard not knowing what to type I sat up on my bed eyes glued to the screen thinking of a response,then another texts comes in
Have you told your parents about the youte?
I lick my full pinks over before turning off my phone holding down the home button and throwing my phone on the bed. I let out a long sign walking towards my wadrobe, Im going to atleast try and find something that would fit me and my round ass now, seen as Ive got thicker in a short space of time.
Once I was bathed and dressed,swallowing my pride I walked into the livingroom where my parents were. "Mummy,mum Dad"
"oyah, Naomi Ki lo se le?" My dad asked
"I need to talk to you guys its serious."
"Ah Ah cant you see Im talking on the phone?"
"Bayo come on now, our daughter has something to say,"My mum took the phone from  my dad putting it to her ear, "Odabo sah" She cut it off before looking at me.
"Im just gonna get out there and not waste both of your time so-" I sign rubbing my eye, I feel as if I am a guilty four year old who had been disobidient, I wish that was the case, this was life changing "So I felt kind of sick for about a month, I thought maybe I had a belly ache, or it was my period taking long to come"

"Ah hem" My father cleared his throat

"Turns out that mum and dad that Im Pregnant..."
My mothers hands fell onto her lap as she threw me a disapointed look. My father held a stern expresion on his face, he was so pissed off. My mother started to moan in yoruba I couldnt quite get all that she was saying
"O gbodo fi, o se duro nibi." My dad shouted
"What do you mean I have to leave?"
"You cant stay heyaaa!You must go. Wake up and smell de coffe your tooo comfortable,pregnant:? Hey."
"Nineteen year old." My mum repeats "Jesu."
"So omo Remi is de father?" My dad asked
"We need to tell de parents, maybe a grandchild will lighten the death of deyaa son."
"Its not Remi's."
"Hey! Baba mee?" My mum crys
"Pack your tings and go."
"I have no where to go Dad."
"You berrra gerrrra of hia meyne! Now you want to  think abourrrit, but before you were doing sexing, not here not under my roof, Oti Pregnant?You can find a place of your own, big girl."
"Oyah shotop!"
"Mum?" She shone her face away not wanting to look me in my eye, I could see the tears that laid on her cheek. I made my way out the livingroom,as I opened the door I could see Dami behind it, her ear close, she gave me a look before wrapping her arms around me and letting me cry on her chest.
My things were packed an hour later, my dad made sure of that I couldnt take everythig so I only stood with one suitcase and a bag full of some other essentials, I texted Rashad,called him even but there was no answer, I had to go out there and do it all by myself. "Naomi?" I heard my mum call out before I opened the front door.
"Its alright mum, I know."
I was gonna stay at one of my friends for the night,after that I didnt know what was next for me.

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