My Angel, Freedom

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          I slowly stood up and fixed my posture. The Trancy boy continued to look at me in awe.

          "CLAUDE! You said this would work!" He yelled at his butler.

          Claude doesn't pay attention to him and looks at the door.

           "I believe that I will be going now. I don't need Michaelis to be saving me." You say simply but just as you were about to leave the fowl demon opens the door.

          "Pardon me, But I do believe you have something that does not belong to you." Sebastian states facing Claude. You scoff.

           "I don't recall belonging to you either." You state as you walk toward the door. "I belong only to my Master. That is who I am returning to at this moment."

          "CLAUDE!" The Trancy boy yells. "Don't let them leave!"

          Claude nods at him and walks in front of you. He then grabs your arm with a strong grip.

          "Unhand me you fowl demon." You strongly state. He fixes his spectacles before speaking.

          "This is my Highness's order." He states.

          You soon feel someone else touch your arm. Sebastian.

          "My Master also ordered to safely return her home, so she wont be staying here."  Sebastian says. You shake your head.

          "My Master has called me. I must be leaving now." You say as you attempt to shake free from there grasps. You could easily break from one demons grasp, but two was difficult.

          Sebastian and Claude glare at each other menacingly. You attempt to get free once more before letting out a heavy sigh.

          "Faustus, Michealis. Let me go at this instant. I will not be late for my master." You say simply as the two demons continue to glare at each other. You notice both of there grips were still firm.

          The Trancy boy continues to stare at you, his eyes reading you as if you were a open book that was never seen before. You flash your eyes white at the boy and he gasps for a second. 

          "Faustus. That boy is not cleansed. He is a fowl child. Let me take him with me so he can become clean." You say as you continue to stare at the child. The child questionably looks at you.

          "Claude, what does she mean?" Alois questioned.

          "She will kill you." Claude says and you look at him with a glare.

          "Is that what you think we do? You think we kill children? I would only fix his cinematic records and erase the sins that he has done." You explain. Well you left some parts out but you did not want to frighten the child. 

          "Claude... Let her go." Alois says.

          "Are you sure my highness?" Claude asks him and Alois nods. 

          Claude lets your arm go and fixes his spectacles. He glares at Sebastian once more before leaving the room. As he walks out of the room he sends you a glance. 

          "I am leaving now." You say as you walk toward the door. Before you could leave you feel a tug on your shirt. You turn around to see Alois.

          "(Y/N)... Will you ever visit again." He mutters.

          You glance at him then turn back to the door.

          "Possibly. But it would not be for a visit. It would be on a... request." You say. You then leave the room with Sebastian following not far behind you. You walk out of the mansion and see a carriage in front of you Sebastian opens the door for you, you enter and sit down. Soon after that Sebastian entered. He sat across from you. 

          You looked at him. You were confused. Why did he decide to "rescue" you. You are enemies. A demon and a angel shouldn't become friends. He noticed you staring at him and he looked at you. He smirked.

          "Are you okay, (Y/N)?" He questioned. 

          "I was just locked in someones basement. I would say that i'm doing just great." You state.

          "You were just staring at me. Have you finally fell in love with me?" He slyly replied.

          "Me, fall in love with you? Who do you think I am? Sutcliff?" You chuckled at the thought of the red haired reaper. That was the fool on the other side of the jack the ripper case. 

          "Don't even speak of that fool." He chuckled.

          Maybe a Angel could get along with a Demon.

Black Butler x Angel!Reader[DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now