My Angel, New Manor

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   "Hi! My name is Finnian!" The boy greeted with a warm smile. He then pointed to a guy with a cigarette, A young lady with purple red hair, and a small old man. "This is Bardroy, Mey-Rin, And Tanaka."

   "Ho ho ho." Tanaka said.

   "Sebastian, show (y/n) and Ms.Madeline to their rooms. Also if either room has a spec of dirt in it, You will clean it." Ciel said walking into the manor.

    "Isn't Ciel just amazing (y/n)?" Madeline questioned.

    "He needs to be cleansed." I jokingly said Then receiving a glare from Sebastian. "I was joking." I said.

    "Sebastian~" Madeline said.

    "Yes Lady Madeline?" Sebastian answered NOT looking back at us while we walked towards the manor.

   "Are you a 'speacial ' butler?" She asked.

   "I am simply one hell of a butler." He replied. I could hear it in his voice that he was smirking.

   "He is a demon butler." I simply say.

   "REALLY? That's why you don't like him!" Madeline shouted.

   "Ow, that hurts my little Angel. So you really do not like me?" He questioned now looking at me with a fake concerned face.

  "No it's not that I don't like you, I completely despise you. Now I beleive we can end this conversation before your feelings get hurt." I say with the same simple tone in my voice.

   "Well you already hurt my feelings my dear Angel."

   "I AM NOT YOUR ANGEL!" I glare at him.

   "You two sound like a old married couple." Madeline chuckled. "(Y/N) I order you to treat Sebastian with respect."

  "Are you sure master?" I pleaded for her to say no. But instead she nodded yes.

  "You heard that Angel? You must respect me." He said finally reaching up to Madeline place. It was huge. I tried to step in their but Sebastian stopped me.

  "No no. You sleep in a different room." He smirked as we walked down passed some more doors until he got to the location. My room wasn't huge but it wasn't small. I looked around and it was spotless. But when I looked on a chair in my room their was a spec of dust.

  "Oh sebastian~" I said cheery.


   "Their was a spec of dirt so now you have to clean my room up again. While you do, I will explore the manor." I left Sebastian in shock as I explored the manor.

   I saw a huge ballroom and decided to walk to the dance floor. I loved to dance, but not when anyone was around. I saw a radio and turned on a slow tune to dance to.

   I slowly danced around the room. When I heard someone walking behind me. I stopped dancing.

   "Oh, sorry I didn't mean to interrupt." Finnian said.

   "Do not worry, you haven't interrupted me at all." I say with a warm smile.

   "You smile and dance so Angel like!" Finnian said with a blush.

   "Oh, I'm simply a heavenly type." I say my catchphrase.

   "You and Sebastian with your catchphrases." He looked away with a smile.

   "Finnian!" Bardroy called from the kitchen.

   "Well I must go now! Goodbye Ms.(y/n)!" He waved and ran towards the kitchen.

   "My, what a nice little human." I muttered and continued to explore the mansion.


A:N: My oh my has it been a while since I updated. I see that people do actually read this story so that makes me happy!

=^.^= so thanks for reading this story my loves!

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