My Angel, Socializing

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  "So (y/n) How di-"

  "Dinner is ready!" I hear Sebastian interrupt Ciel. He brings in the Wagyu Steak while carrying some tea.

  "Sebastian, I was in the middle of a conversation." Ciel says while glaring at the filthy Demon.

  "And, why do you have all that flour on you? We have guests!" Ciel yells toward Sebastian.

  I then realize that the flour on him was from that little stunt he pulled on me.

   "Ciel, don't worry about him. What was it that you were saying?" I ask while motioning Sebastian to clean himself up.

   "Oh, why yes. (Y/n), how did you come to meet Ms.Madeline?" He asks while stabbing his fork into his food. I stand to give my Master her food. I dish out her plate of salad and vegetables.

  "I met her when she was four. She didn't know I was there. But I was. I kept her safe throughout her life until she realized I was watching over her. She then signed a.... waver, to say I will be her butler. That is all I can say for now." I say before sitting at the table.

   "So you were like a guardian angel?" I hear Bardroy say while munching down on the meat.

   "Hmm, I suppose." I smirk.

    "(Y/n). I want some more tea, pour me some?" Madeline smiled with her teeth. She had some lettece lodged in between her teeth. I giggle at the scene.

"You have a really beautiful laugh

(y/n)." Ciel says and wipes his mouth.

  "Why thank you. You have a very handsome face." I smile at him. I see a slight pink form over his face.

~ time skip~

~Ciels pov~

   "Master, I'm sorry to say this but it is time for you to retire." Sebastian says.

   "GOODNIGHT MY DARLING CIEL!" Madeline yells and waves. I then see (y/n) stand up and carry the dirty plates away into the kitchen. She then walks out and pulls Madelines chair out so she can retire for the night.

   Madeline is just another lizzie. Someone who thinks they have fallen in love with me. But I can't say the same back to them.

  "Goodnight Ms.Madeline and Ms.(y/n)!" Finnian waves.

   "Goodnight, moonlight." (Y/N) smiles before leaving the dinner doors.

    "Finnian. Do you like Ms.(y/n)?" I question. The question didn't sound as straight forward in my brain.

   "I-I-I.. m-maybe." Finnian scratches the back of his head before looking away.

  "Hey, boss. Why did you ask?" He questioned raising an eyebrow. And to be honest, I did not know why I even asked. I then looked back to where Sebastian stood. His facial expression changed from bored to a mocking one.

    Ah, now I see. I do like Ms.(y/n), and so does Finnian and Sebastian.

    "Sebastian, Finnian. I want you two to clean up here. I'm going to bed." I stand and make my way to my room.

    I can't beleive it but, am I in love?

Black Butler x Angel!Reader[DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now