My Angel, Masquerade

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"Wahhh!" Madeline cried. "Ciel please let me go with you to the Masquerade!"

"No, I apologize. But I have to go with Elizabeth." He says for the fifth time.

"Okay... Fine." Madeline says with crossed arms.

"It is okay Master. I will find someone for you to go with." I say.

"Really! But who are you going with (y/n)?" She tilts her head.

"I am going with-"

"Its Sebastian isn't it?" She smirks at me.

"No, it is not. It is Finnian." I say with a smile.

"Oh... Well okay." Madeline says. "I just want a prince charming to swipe me off my feet!" She smiles and spins around. I let out a slight chuckle at the sight.

"(Y/N), we will be leaving soon. Please, get ready and dress nicely." Ciel says. I nod.

"Well, onwards you go. Get ready." Ciel says an Me and Madeline walk out of his study and to Madeline's room. I pick out a dress. Madeline's dress was ( ).

I wrapped her corset on her and tightened it. I then dressed her and put on her shoes. I finally combed through her hair while she went on and on about Ciel and her Prince Charming.

"What are you gonna wear?" She questioned as you finished her hair.

"I don't know. You can pick me out a dress." I smile at her.

"OK!" After a couple of minutes she comes back in the room holding a long sleeveless Silver dress. (Another pic from Google )

"It is beautiful. Thank you." I say.

~*time skip because Pasta is awesome*~

"Hey, (y/n). Shouldn't we get masks?" Madeline questions tilting her head.

"I have some." I smile then I pull out two masks that I his behind my back. Madeline's was black and had a black feather sticking out of the top. Her mask covering the top part of her face so that yo could only see her bottom part of her nose and her mouth. My mask was formed so that you could only see my mouth and my right cheek. It was white and had a black feather sticking from the top to match Madeline's. We put our masks on and continued to make our way out of the mansion. By the time we reach the door we see Sebastian, Ciel, a young girl with blonde pigtails, Finnian, Mey-Rin, Bardroy, and Tanaka standing and waiting for us.

"You l-look... Beautiful Ms.(y/n)." Finnian stuttered.

"Why thank you, you look quite handsome yourself." I say with a smile.

"Why thank you!" Finnian smiles and then looks at Madeline. He opens his mouth to say something before getting interrupted.

"Oh my gosh!" The girl with the pig tails yelled and ran up to Madeline. "YOU ARE SO CUTE!"

I swiftly step in front of Madeline and smile.

"Who are you?" I say tilting my head.

"E-elizabeth. I just wanted to te-"

"It is rude to run up to strangers and try to hug them. Ask permission." I say.

"O-okay." She slowly walks back to Ciel.

"So your Elizabeth? You stole my man!" Madeline says.

"Y-your what!? Ciel is mine!" Elizabeth says standing behind Ciel.

"Elizabeth.. Please." Ciel says putting His hand on his forehead.

"Okay my darling Ciel!" Elizabeth says glaring at Madeline.

'If only I can gouge out those eyes of hers and stomp on them. Will she then stop glaring at my master' I think to myself. But, that's not angelic at all. I will just, purify her.

A voice takes me out of my thoughts.

"Oh my, you look beautiful in that dress, My Angel."

"Quiet Sebastian."

"But why? You look stunning. I want you to know that." He smirks.


"Now, I will be going. I have a place to be." I say to the man now touching his cheek where the red hand mark was.

Maybe this will be fun.

Black Butler x Angel!Reader[DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now