My Angel, Backstory

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   "(Y/N)! I order you to take me to the Undertaker!" Your master Madeline said. She has been talking about this 'Undertaker' guy for like days.

   "Master, If I may ask, why so you want to see this Undertaker?" I questioned. I normally did not ask these questions, But I was certain to know.

   "I heard Earl Phantomhive goes there almost every week! I want to meet him!" She grinned wildly.

  "Who is this Phantomhive?"

  "Now your asking to much." She glared at me. "But if you want to know, he is the queens guard dog! Also the one one who stole my heart."

   "Have you ever seen him?" I asked.

   "You sure do have a lot of questions... But no I haven't."

   "So, how exactly did he steal your heart?"

   "He found the man that killed my Aunt. You know this!" She replied with a serious face.

  Yes he found the man. He stole my kill. I was going to kill Jack The Ripper for hurting my Masters heart. My master meant more than just a kid. We had connections. Her parents were drug dealers and sold her to a stranger for money. Her aunt then saw what happened and bought her back from the guy. She wanted her safe, just like me. But since the Jack The Ripper case she wasn't the same. Her aunt was dead. Murdered by Jack themselves. I wanted them to pay.

"(Y/N)? What are you thinking about?" Her bright smile flashed to my face and I let out a slight chuckle.

"Oh, Nothing master. So Do you still want to see Earl Phantomhive?"

"Oh why yes!" With that we set off.

Black Butler x Angel!Reader[DISCONTINUED]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz