My Angel, Invitations

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[{A/N} this is where the storyline changes =^.^=]


    ~Pillow fight aftermath~

  I woke up in the morning to feathers all over my room. All of the feathers were white except for one, red feather.




   I look to the left of my bed to see a certian peaceful looking demon. I stare at him in shock, Why in the heavens is he in my bed!?

   "MICHAELIS! WAKE UP!" I yelled and smacked him across the face, causing him to sit up.

   "What is it, my Angel? Did you have a good dream? I did." He said while licking his lips, causing me to literally kick him off of my bed.

  "Explain to me why you were sleeping with me. I want answers now!" I say sternly.

  He stands up to reveal himself in what looks like the clothes he had on yesterday. Myself, also dressed in clothing I had on yesterday.

  "I simply just fell asleep in your bed. We were having a pillow fight last night remember?" He said while combing his fingers through his dark hair.

  "Okay," I say to him. "But you didn't try anything, right?" I send a glare that could kill over 9000 people. (LOL)

   "No. I promise." He put his hand on his heart and bowed. He then stood up and smirked. "Unless you wanted something to happen."

   "Get out." I point to the door causing the man to frown.

   "You pain me my little Angel." He leaves the room with the fake frown upon his face.

~Ciels P.O.V~

"Michaelis!" I hear someone scream. It startled me, and I thought it was Mey-rin or something. I quickly realized that she doesn't call him that. I quickly stand up and walk out of my room. I walk down the hall to see (y/n)'s door open and close. A figure walk out of the room. It was Sebastian. The weird thing was that he was wearing the same clothing from yesterday. I quickly make my way down the hall until I am right behind him.

   "Sebastian, what was all that noise and why were you in (y/n)'s room?" I question.

   "Oh, we were playing a game last night. I then fell asleep and woke up in her room this morning." He says with a smirk.

   My eyes widen. "And, that game was?" I glare.

  "Young Master, if I may ask, why does this concern you?" Sebastian askes while showing a amused smirk on his face.

  "Just answer the damn question, Sebastian. That is an order." I sternly say pointing at the patch over my eye.

   "Pillow fight, sir. Nothing more than a mere pillow fight." He smiles at me. I then sigh in relief that it was just a pillow fight.

    "Okay. Also, if you could awake Ms.Madeline from her sleep, that would be great. Breakfast is starting soon." I say while turning around to walk back to my room.

   "Master, you seem in relief that it was a pillow fight. What were you expecting?" He questions.

   "N-Nothing else. Now do as I say, and get things set up." I say then walk to my room. I am certain he knew what I was thinking.

   ~Time skip

           Because I am awesome.~

    ~Back to your P.O.V~

   "(y/n)! I have been invited to ball!" Madeline jumped up, causing me to mess up the braid in her hair.

  "Ms.Madeline? Are you ok?" I question.

  "Yes! I have a letter that says that someone has invited me and you to a Masquerade!" She smiled as I finished her fish tail braid.

"It's at 5:00pm! I just can't wait! I am going to ask Ciel to go with me!" She jumps up and runs out the room screaming Ciel. I chuckle at the sound of her being so excited.

   I walk out of the room and lock her door behind me. I see a familiar boy standing in the distance.

   "Hey! Ms.(y/n)! I-I want to ask you something." Finnian says running up to me.

   "What is the question?" I chuckle.

   "Well, it's two somethings. First, did you get the Masquerade letter?" He questions with a unfading smile on his face.

    "Oh why yes I have." I smile.

    "O-okay. W-Will you go w-with me? B-Bardroy said he was g-gonna ask you, but he asked M-Mey-Rin instead." He says with a blush appearing on his happy face.

   "I would love to go." I smile and kiss him on his cheek, causing him to blush a deep tomato red. He runs off with the same unfading smile on his face.

   What a charm.

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