Reliving death

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I decide I can't sleep but to my surprise Tate is. I throw the covers aside and tip toe out of my room and down the stairs. Before I can reach the last step Chad appears in front of me with one hand on his hip his foot slightly extended outward tapping fast on the wood floor. "What do you want?" I scowl at him while asking the question. I try to slide past him but he's to quick, he chuckles and in a mock voice he says "Oh Tate I love you sooo much." "That's not what I said," I scream into his face. "When are you gonna learn Tate is a monster?" "He's not a monster," I scream. He's changed he was just troubled before but now he's not!" I storm past him its obvious not everyone in the house had forgiven Tate. My mother being one of them along with Chad and Patrick I can't blame them really after all he did Rape my mom and was the reason she died. He also murdered Chad and Patrick . He's changed I know he has I can tell. I go into the kitchen and sit on the stool in front of the counter. Moira stands infront of the cabinets and pulls out a box of green tea bags. "Would you like a cup of tea dear?" "I thought you don't cater to the dead" I said spitefully. "Well I'm already making tea for myself so I might as well make two."

"Well no thanks," I replied. She takes down one coffee mug from the counter and fills it with hot water and sets the tea bag in to steap as she puts it on the counter and sits beside me. "Violet may I ask you a personal question?"

"Ya but I don't have to answer," I say.

"Do you think your dad and Patrick are having an affair?" She asks. I laugh

"If they were I wouldn't be surprised, this house changes people until there unrecognizable. Just a shell of their former selves."

"For such a young girl you are very insightful and pick up easily on the way of people." "Enough of this sappy bullshit I'm going outside." As I stand up I hear a gunshot coming outside so I head out not too worried about what it might be. Hayden lay sprawled on the ground blood seaping out of a hole in her forehead. My dad probably shot her, this happens a lot when she gets to mouthy.

I climb the gazebo stairs and pull myself onto the railing and wait for Hayden to pick her lifeless body off the ground. She starts to slowly stand up. "Hey bitch do you know where your dad went we have some unfinished business."

"Whatever business you have Hayden it'll never end, there will always be chaos between you and my dad." "What do you know about chaos?

"I take that back, actually your boyfriend has plenty of it."

"I'm tired of you and your mouth so say night night for me and i'll be ready of you in a couple of minutes." She picks the silver pistol off the ground that seamed to just now appear she fired the gun and a searing pain erupted from my chest and everything went dark.

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