A mad world

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I'm falling, falling faster and faster. The endless darkness encases my limp lifeless body. I continue to fall until I land sharply with a crack. My bones splinter and cut my flesh... And then I wake up.

I have a major migraine and my body feels like it's tingling. I have a sudden urge to take a razor to my delicate skin and drag it across my wrist. I long for that gush of blood. The rush I get to see my blood drop into the sink into tiny droplets I crave it.

But instead I remain in my bed confused and dazed, yesterday was a blur but one thing is for sure, I love Tate and I can push past any bad thing that he did. I sit up in my bed and rub my sore body that dream really made me tense. I slide out of bed and put on the stereo and grab my drawing book. I'm not sure how the stereo or tv works or anything electric because the power was turned off after we died but we still use it as freely as we want. I grow bored fast so I shut my notebook and turn Off my stereo before I race downstairs. I run into the living room an there's Tate, sitting on the sofa watching the news. We never had a tv my mom said it killed brain cells and she's just a freak about stuff like that. she even wanted to get rid of our microwave for the longest time. Tate glances at me and smiles. "Come sit down with me," he says. I sit down next to humans burrow my face in his shoulder. My stomach lurches when the newsman announces that a 17 year old girl was found dead in a parking lot down by the pier. The newsman was interviewing the men who were chasing us .

"Ya I done heard a girl scream so me and my buddy's you know come a racing down here." "We see this teenage girl and boy standing over her the boy all bloody and stuff he just went beserk and started running he killed one of my buddy's too." The man got all choked up and the interview had to stop. I had a strong hatred for his thick hillbilly accent..

I feel dreadfully sick too my stomach so I reach for the remote and shut off the tv.

"What are we going to do Tate!?" I say in a panicking tone.

"Don't worry violet it's not like they can arrest us you know...being dead and all."

Suddenly I get a wave a relief and a realization that I'm not still living and everyone knows I'm dead and I can't get arrested....

To be continued.

Sorry this wasn't a very long update I will update again in 1-2 weeks I just want too get a little part up so you have something to read :) thank you for reading!

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