Halloween time part 2

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Later that night Tate finally shows up wearing a newly cleaned pair of his old clothes and his hair is washed neatly but still looks unkempt I don't care I like it this way it makes him look wild. I wonder how he managed to take a shower while not in the house. "Ready to go on our date?" He looks really hot i have to admit but he's such a cliche, he said this on our very first date. "Yea," I reply bouncing back and forth from my toes to my heels. I walk out the door and cross the street and stare at him as he follows shortly behind me. It's still light out and tricker treaters are just beginning to trickle out of their homes. Tate grabs me tight and kisses me gently. I laugh and push him away. "Where to first?" Tate asked mischievously. "I'm thinking the school first, then scare people, then the carnival, and after sit on the beach and watch the sky till the sun comes up," I reply excitedly.

When we finally arrive at the school that looks a little different then when I was last there. The roof is now freshly painted and there is a new building behind The school. Tate dashes ahead and jumps on the window ledge and finally pulls himself up onto the roof. I follow shortly behind. Once we are in the safety confines of the roof Tate grabs me from behind an kisses me on the neck but he lets go almost immediately and runs over to one of the skylight windows. "Ooh check this out," he states with an amusing tone in his voice. "It's the Halloween dance." He glances down mischievously he pulls his pants down and presses his bare butt against the glass until a kid notices and runs to tell his friends. Tate smashes the window in. "What the hell tate?" "Come on we have to get out of here before someone catches us." We get down just the way we came and quickly hide behind some bushes before some students wearing costumes come out of the back doors. They squint their eye at the roof I notice the shortest boy is the one Tate flashed. He points at the roof, "it was right there I swear someone mooned me." "It was probably jut some animal," the tallest hot smirked and went back inside, quickly followed by the other two boys.

*** this story will be continued in 3 weeks or so i won't have time to write on vacation or at camp so i'll post a story right when I get back I just wanted to publish these ones before I left.***

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