Lost but not yet found

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"Why would I drug you?!" Tate's once lucid and calm face becomes icy as he yells, "I.....I just thought.....this can't be happening!" shit! Tate why..wha...what!" I began to sob so violently my stomach aches ad I want to die. The pain was so excruciating.

"HEY!!" WHAT ARE YOU KIDS DOING?" Is that girl alright?!"

Startled by this sudden encounter of voices Tate grabs my arm and we begin to run. My converse continuously step on my baggy skirt causing me to stumble. I regain my balance once again and run faster until the girl and the men hovering over her is nowhere to be seen. but that still leaves the two men chasing us. It surprises me at how fast they are going and in an instance they have me pinned to the ground.

"Get off of her you asshole!" Tate begins too yell and kick the assailant abruptly in the face he lands hard and fast on the ground, blood dripping down his face. His nose was broken and hanging limply to the side. "The second man seeing his buddy on the ground immediately becomes frightened and takes off back to the rest of the men standing over the young girls body.

"Come on Vi, we still need to go!" After another five minutes of running we approach the main road and a whirring ambulance and two cop cars speed by us. "Shit, Tate they called the fucking cops!" He replied calmly yet again, "Doesn't matter they can't convict what's already dead." The laugh that escaped his mouth was evil and it didn't even sound like Tate.

What happened to him? He's not the same person he was earlier that night, sweet, and caring, we were supposed to go to a lot of places tonight and all of that is ruined. The sun begins to rise and we're no longer sitting on the sidewalk. Everything folds away and were sitting on the front porch of the house. The worst is yet to come I know it, I need answers from Tate and fast. How could everything he was disappear in a second? He has this disgustingly creepy smirk on his face and I want to bash it in until he cries.

I'm taken aback by my sudden outburst something is very wrong. I take Tate inside and once were in the bathroom I run hot water into the white claw foot tub. I add about the whole bottle of the bath bubbles. Tate's face is completely blank and I help him out of his bloody clothes along with mine, and we slip into the bath. I didn't realize how exhausted I was and the stressful night drained me of my energy we sat in the tub all morning until the water went cold. It went mostly with my head on his chest sobbing and him stroking my hair. But what can I say, we have a twisted and tainted love. Maybe this is who we are, maybe we're supposed to be together.... like this..as....murderers.

*Sorry I haven't been going along with these weekly updates i'll try my best to remember when I need to update. Thanks for reading :) comment any advice or thoughts about the chapters. Thanks.

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