Halloween time

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I don't remember ever leaving the gazebo. Tate and I talked for so long until the stars danced above our heads and the moon smiled its pale yellow rays down on us. What a waste, I guess when you live here your time becomes one big eternity. Well today's Halloween anyway, it's a shitty holiday I'm just glad I can get out of this hell hole once a year along with the other ghosts. I want to spend the whole night with Tate I've never felt this way about a boy, it's weird but I feel strangely close to him tonight. I can't remember where I went last year it wasn't with Tate but I know I went somewhere. Why can I not remember anything its like the house steals all your god damn memories. I look around finally realizing my surroundings, I'm in the basement. I'm in a tiny room with one small window to my right I crane my neck and have to suddenly brace my eyes because the sunlight is unexpectedly bright. I get up, my knees feeling weak under me. I brush some dust off my black leggings an smooth down my baggy floral dress. I slowly ascend the stairs smoothing stray pieces of my hair on the way up. I really don't know why I'm all groggy and stiff and where's Tate? My mind is spinning and I feel dizzy I sit down on the very top steps to calm my headache. When it finally goes away I step over the threshold and into the hallway. I walk into the kitchen and see Moira wiping down the cabinets. She does this everyday even though there's no reason for her too. "Did you drug me?" I ask. She doesn't look up from her cleaning but replies,"No, but the twins may of you know how they love a good Halloween prank or any prank in general really." She's probably right so I roll my eyes and shrug it off then head upstairs. I slide into the room that once was Thaddeus's nursery. I do this often so I can sit on the widow seat and look out the widow, sometimes I'll even open the window an stick my hands out to feel the cool air hit my hands. I don't know why I do that it's just comforting I guess. "What are you doing in here? Get out you don't belong here." It was Nora as usual. I fake laugh and roll my eyes again as I walk out of the room why does everyone in this house have to be such a bitch. I need to find Tate, he's probably not here considering he's free to roam about the world along with the other ghosts, no wonder I haven't seen any yet. My parents are probably out getting coffee together or grocery shopping at whole foods I don't know why my mom loves organic stuff so much. Nora and Charles don't leave the house I think all the new age crap scares them, or atleest it scares Nora she's always freaking out over the coffee maker or the pasta arm annoying cunt. Moira usually leaves To stock up on food and cleaning supplies. I really don't know where the gays go but their never here.

* ** the next chapter takes place later in the night I would've combined them but it would've been really long.***

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