Days gone by

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It's been about a week since halloween. It's as if nothing has changed at all. The house stands shadowed and dark untouched by the living. The garden flourishes thanks to the gardener that comes on Wednesdays to trim the roses.

I sit on the carpet in front of my bed, And stare sadly at the locked door. Why did it have too be like this? me dead along with the rest of my family including Tate. Tate.... sweet Tate he doesn't even remember Halloween or atleest acts like he doesn't.

On a regular day to day basis of my ayes when I was alive I dreamed of dying, never having to go to school again, I hated those treacherous halls and unforgiving kids who constantly labeled me as the punk quiet girl. In this moment I would do anything too get that all back. I've been dead for too long I should have gotten used to it. All of those bullies they're out of high-school and a good amount probably didn't even go too college.....losers....they didn't have any right too judge me. I'm just deeply disturbed is all... My door knob starts to jiggle furiously and my door swings open and in comes Nora. "You have too help me violet." "um me help you, right what the fuck have you ever helped me with too make me want too help you?" I snarl and sit on my bed. "It's Tate something's happened please come with me." I stare at her furiously and push my way past her practically flying down the chestnut staircase. "Tate!" "Tate! where are you?" "He can't hear you, Charles Montgomery says as he slides into the kitchen. "Why the hell not?" "He's completely emotionless no look no feeling or emotion in his body he's completely stiff, You'll come to find Tate has passed on." "Passed on! what the fuck do you mean, dead? Tate's Not dead...... well I guess he is but he's still here!" I scream at him and run out of the room. I run down the basement steps, Tate is slumped in the corner glassy eyed. "Tate oh my fuck Tate are you alright!?"...... SAY SOMETHING!!" i start to sob and slide down against the wall. Hot tears cover my face as I crawl over to Tate and hold him in my arms.

"Boo," Tate says calmly as he stands up. "were you scared?" this "joke infuriates me and I rush up too my room but when I reach my room and lock the door as soon as I turn around there he is grinning at me. "What is this ?" Tate smiles fully and says, a stupid Halloween prank.....

"Wait what!"

"Well I pretended to be demented for a little while too scare you."

"So you didn't kill that girl?" I ask.

"I don't know what your talking about," Tate replies nonchalantly.

..........This is all so confusing, he says it's a prank but still doesn't remember what happened what the fuck. I brush out him and walk out the door. I have a sudden urge for a cigarette, anything too calm me down. Why am I so emotionally unstable.... oh ya cuz me and my boyfriend are both dead and he's crazy.

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