Fear the dead

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My eyes suddenly open.That bitch, I say out loud on accident. I sit up and rub my back;sore from me falling down duh because I was shot. Is everything alright? Hello! Hello! I looked up and saw a man in a police uniform. He can't see me You know? Because I'm dead. Someone must've heard the gunshots and called him. I stand up feeling stiff and groggy. I walk back into the house forgetting the cop could hear the door shut, he swings the door open. Wh...who's there? He seamed really wimpy for a cop. I laugh and start slamming the cabinets and the drawers knowing very well he can hear all of it. The twins in the striped shirts appear and start slamming their snap and pops on the ground. They love messing with people and making them afraid. "Uhh ahhhhh," the cop screams as he runs out of the house all the way back to his car. I laugh and start to run up the stairs I can hear the tires screech outside as the cop exits the sight of the house. I want to go see Tate but before I can reach the top of the stairs I hear the front door knob jiggling and the door flies open. Two boys and two girls who seem to be the age I was when I died come piling through the door and start laughing. "Dude that cop sped out of here so fast." "Maybe he saw a ghost," sneered the other boy. "Boo!" He yelled in one of the girls faces making her jump. " cut it out you little shit!" Yelled the girl. Clearly she was pissed. "You guys can go down stairs and we'll go upstairs," the tall blonde girl. She was quite ugly if you asked me, she had short sheer blonde hair wich looked weird against her pale blonde skin. The girls continued to go upstairs. The boys followed the girls orders and opened the Tiffany panes doors leading to the basement. I knew Thaddeus would creep them out or try to kill them so I followed after them. "Dude it smells dusty down here, the boy with the brown hair stated stupidly. "Stupid shit how can something smell dusty?" I can tell the weren't the brightest of boys because they began to push and shove each other on the stairs. Thump, thump...... Thump .....thud. The brown haired boy lay motionless on the ground. In a panic the other boy went back up the couple of stairs he went down just mere minutes ago and screamed to the girls they had to go. I heard the door slam shut loud. I went down down the stairs to check the limp body lying on the bottom of the floor but he was still breathing, so I dragged him out the front door and into the lawn. "Constance, constance! Help me out here." Constance comes running out, "What is it?" Help me with the body take it to the neighbors yard because I can't leave the lawn," I stated blankly. "Well all right," she said as she dragged the body into the neighbors yard and continued back into her house, so I went back into the house I wish wasn't mine.

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