Rising anger

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I sit up in my bed startled by a loud banging in the kitchen. "What was that?" I ask tate.

"I don't know but I'll go check, stay here."

I roll my eyes at his over protectiveness I'm not weak and I can handle whatever it is.

Tate swings open the door to my room and walks down the hallway with me close behind. As we walk down the stairs we hear the elderly couple and Marci laughing and talking casually.

"We'll take it," they say as they smile at their daughter silently crying in the corner. their smile fades away as they notice she's sobbing.

"Oh honestly Mary! why do you insist on being such a drama queen!" the old lady squeals.

Marci fakes a smile and says, "well the house should be ready to move into in 2-3 weeks."

"Great they say as they exchange a quick smile."

I suddenly feel annoyed at Tate how could he have let this happen. "I thought you scared them off!" I whisper angrily at him.

"I did too the old bags must not have cared about the little girls feelings mainly because she's sitting in the corner crying and they couldn't give two shits about that."

"What you said wasn't even that bad but I guess too a little kid like that it must be pretty traumatizing especially since she doesn't know you..."

"It'll be alright vi when the time comes and they move in we'll make them sorry and they'll wish they never bought this house," he says as he smirks at me and wraps his arms around my waist instantly sending warmth and chills throughout me, the sensation was brutally comforting.

He turns and walks towards the stairs grabbing my hand. I follow him up the stairs and into the hallway and we stop right under the attic door. Tate grabs the handle to it and sends the stairs rushing down with a clang. The sound resonates throughout the house startling the new owners and Marci as well. I can hear the lady hiss "What was that," at her husband. Marci, not wanting to scare them away in the first five minutes of them owning the house she quickly rushes them out the door. Tate looks at me and smiles as he begins to climb the couple of stairs to the attic.

The attic is kind've our daily ritual, we come up here and play board games, talk, listen to music, and tell stories. It's the highlight of my day.

Tate grabs the top game from our pile. He turns it over to me so I can read the name and state my approval I nod and smile as I sit down cross legged I front of the old crate we play on. He pulls the chess board and pieces out of the box an sets them up accordingly.

"Vi, do you ever miss school? or going out places you know?"

"Well not really I hate basically everyone so the solitude of the house is pretty welcoming to me, why?" I ask him.

"Just because sometimes I do," He says as his gaze drops down to the floor almost as if he's ashamed."

I move my pawn piece forward.

"I guess what I miss most of all is the fresh air," he says finally.

I smile, "Well it's not like we can't be a few feet away from the house we can still go outside."

"That's not what I'm talking about! violet I miss going places like the library, old antique shops, record stores anything is better than here!"

I frown and leave the attic, Tate and the board game behind, too stressed out too deal with him right now.

I sprint down the hallways and out the back door. As soon as I'm outside I collapse next to the gazebo and rub my fingers through my hair. I lay doe and look into the deep blue sky. all Tate ever does is complain and it pisses me off I try to be so docile around him but the act can't last for long he's like a land mine I have too step so carefully around him in fear he'll explode.
I'm so tired of it he needs help but the only person that would be able to give him help in this old fucking house is my dad and he's not on the top of Tate's fan list. Hopefully he'll understand and atleast help him I mean that's how we even met in the first place. But for now I just need too lay down and relax my whole body aches as if I just did 1,000 crunches and ran throughout the whole city. It's strange I didn't think ghosts were supposed to be tired but then again I ache to much too question it and I let sleep engulf me and in minutes I'm surrounded in darkness. This is all I need just the sheer dealing of nothingness.

* Hey guys sorry for the late update I've been fairly busy but I just wanted to quickly get something up. tell me what you think and thank you so much, I love you guys.*

Violate : american horror storyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ