Hope WTF

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As an orphan you are constantly being told; in time. In time you will be happy. In time you will have a family. In time, everything will be all right.

But what they don't tell you is; in time it will be too late. Because by the time I was ten I knew that I wouldn't be happy. By the time I was eleven I knew I wouldn't have a family. But by the time I was four, I knew everything wouldn't be all right. Because by the time I was four, my whole world had fallen apart. By time they had told me, in time. My time was already over.

The only thing left to wait for was eighteen. But even then I knew. By the time I was eighteen there would be nothing left of me. All that I ever was would have been broken down, turned to ashes, and gone in the wind. By the time that I would be eighteen I would be over.

There were so many people who believed in that phrase. Every time a friend would leave the orphanage they would always tell the rest of us; in time that will be you. The ones who were silly enough to believe that were always the ones who were left behind.

At seven I learned that. I learned that hope is what killed you. Hope is what kept you up at night, crying until there was nothing left inside. Crying until the other children threatened to kill you for being too loud. At seven I learned that magic wasn't real. At seven I learned that hope was the equivalent to death.

But now at sixteen I'm learning that maybe I was wrong. At sixteen I'm only now learning that hope is the one thing that keeps people going. Because if there wasn't a thing called hope, Scott McCall would have never called us at midnight.

Without hope, Liam Dunbar would be dead. Without hope, I would be dead.

The bite either changes you or kills you; but because of hope, Scott saved my life. Because of hope, Scott saved Liam.

However because of Scott's idiocy now Stiles and I are helping him break the news to a kidnapped Liam that he may die.

"So you kidnapped him?"

"I panicked!"

"Yeah no kidding." I scoff, following Scott and Stiles upstairs to where Liam was supposedly being held hostage.

"What's he doing?"

Scott hesitates, turning to face us, "Laying down?"

I roll my eyes, Scott's heartbeat fluctuating uncontrollably. Stiles looks to me for conformation, which I shake my head to. Stiles winces before grabbing me by the shoulders and pushing me up the stairs ahead of him. Once inside Scott's bedroom I look to the bed, assuming he would actually be laying down.

"Laying down huh?"

Scott scratches at the back of his head, "He's in the bathroom?"

Stiles groans, pushing past him and into the bathroom. Which is also empty. I stand to the side, watching as Scott enters the bathroom and pushes open the shower curtain. I cough back a laugh, Liam staring up at us with wide eyes, his entire body duck taped together.

Stiles sighs in irritation before closing the shower curtain, Liam whimpering helplessly at us. We all then walk back to Scott's room, Stiles and Scott sitting back on his bed while I take a seat at his desk. "So you bit him?"


"And you kidnapped him."


"And you brought him here?"

"I panicked."

"I know...This isn't going to end with us burying pieces of his body out in the desert, is it?"

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