Finding Gabby

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The night was quiet in the industrial part of the city. It was well after closing hours on a holiday and the bitterly cold air had the inhabitants of the city bundled up warm with their families in their homes. A dark figure darted between buildings, on a mission. Though her figure hinted at no great athleticism, she kept up a fast pace, barely breaking a sweat. She stopped in front of a packaging plant. It was one she often visited. She picked the lock and entered the building as she had a hundred times before. This plant packaged meat to be shipped to supermarkets and she was hungry. What she didn't know was that the superiors who ran the place had noticed her theft and installed silent alarms. The police were crashing through the doors before she knew what was happening. She had allowed her hunger to distract her sharp senses.

She took off for the roof where she knew there would be no cameras to witness what she was about to do. They chased her up there. Ten officers surrounded her, guns raised.

"Freeze!" They yelled.

"Leave!" She yelled back. "If you want to live then get out of here!"

The cops converged on her and she felt the animal within her rise, ready to take out the threatening men. Her teeth began to lengthen and fur began to sprout on her skin. It was too dark for the men to see her properly. She urged her wolf to hold back. She wanted to take care of this without fully transforming.

"I warned you." She growled and then she blurred into action. She moved so quickly that many of the officers didn't have time to react. She threw herself at them, knocking them unconscious one by one. She snarled as bullets entered her flesh but she ignored the pain and quickly dispatched the officers. She swayed as the last one fell. She had been shot three times and healing those wounds was taking a lot of her energy. She resumed her full human form and sat beside the meat she had stolen. She couldn't eat it raw unless she was in wolf form and she couldn't cook it unless she got to a place with a stove or a fire. She decided to wait. Her wounds would heal in about an hour and she was confident she could make it back to her den before then. She rose to leave when an intoxicating smell reached her sharp senses. Her wolf rose inside her, eager to hunt down the source of the smell but the woman refused her, sensing someone behind her. She turned to see four hulking beings before her. She tensed, ready to fight.

"We don't like law breakers in our neighborhood." Said the massive turtle in the blue mask.

She gaped at the turtles for a minute before she found her voice. "I'm not a bad person." She replied

"You took out ten cops." The largest one pointed out skeptically.

"Easy, Red." She replied, her shock at seeing the strange beings quickly fading as she tried to figure out a way out of this mess. "I could have killed each and every one of them but they're all still breathing."

"We can't let you go. You're stealing." Said the one with the orange mask.

She sighed. She didn't have the energy to shift to hybrid and if she shifted to wolf she would be too weak to keep her human half present. "Then take me wherever you're going. Just make sure you bring my meat or I won't be able to control her. I would hate to hurt one of you."

"Her?" Asked the one in the purple mask.

"My wolf." She replied.

"I don't see no wolf." Said the one with the red mask.

"Maybe it's coming back for us." Whispered the one in the orange mask.

"She's a part of me, my animal side. I'm a werewolf."

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