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Days. Weeks. A month. The battlefront spread as Aiden tried to push through their defenses. There had been a lot of minor skirmishes but the Storm pack was lucky. They all stuck together to keep Gabby safe and Gabby was highly protected by the Thompson pack and their allies as well. She was their only chance of defeating the Coward Alpha if he showed his face.  The war had barely begun and already fear and sadness hung heavy over the pack. The boarders held, however, and there was hope mixed in with the fear. There was hope that with Gabby, Aiden would fall and his reign of terror would end.

           Gracie came into the lounge where the pack was waiting. She had called a meeting but had been secretive about what. She immediately began handing out folders with detailed plans for once more raiding the compound but this time as a full frontal attack. As Gabby's second, Gracie had been in the Intel meetings with the  Alphas from the start.

             "What is this?" Ralph asked as he flipped through the pages.

             "A plan."

             "For what?" Saffron asked,eyeballing the papers.

             "For another raid." Gabby answered for her as she flipped through the pages. "You want to attack him outright."

             "We've done enough dancing around. It's time to hit and hit hard. If we don't start doing some serious damage, he's gonna come down hard on us. We should take the fight to him."

              They all looked at her in shock. No one wanted to be in a war. No one wanted to be the first to charge in or the first one to die. They had all kind of just assumed they would wait until Aiden set his forces against theirs. They assumed they would fight to defend. They hadn't thought of bringing the fight to him. Gabby looked over the plan.

             "There are too many things that could go wrong. If our spies were outed and he found out about our plan, it would be a blood bath. None of us would survive."

             "That won't happen." Gracie replied with assurance.

             "How do you know?" Gabby asked. "There are too many variables here."

             "There were too many variables in your plan but we pulled it off." Raph pointed out.

             "That was different." Gabby said.

             "No it wasn't." Raph said. He agreed with Gracie. It was time to bring the fight to them.

             "The whole pack will be in danger." Gabby protested. They wouldn't all make it out of there alive. She had lost so much in her short life. Why did she have to lose more?

             "The pack is in danger as long as that asshole's alive. We gotta do somethin' before he does." Ralph said.

             "I can't believe you're agreeing to this." Gabby said. "Especially after fighting me tooth and nail when I thought we should do a raid."

             Ralph knew he was in dangerous territory here. What could he say to her that would make her understand? The fear of an attack by the tyrant had been growing in him. If they attacked first, they might be able to catch him by surprise and spare the lives of his pack and their allies. Plus he would be there to keep an eye on everyone. Gabby wouldn't be off on her own this time around.

             "The timing was off before." Ralph tried lamely.

             "Really?" She asked menacingly. She was giving him a chance to change out his answer for a better one.

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