New Territory

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The next two weeks were hell, but the good kind. They were constantly doing something whether it was making arrangements with the Thompson Alpha, who was only accepting their proposed sanctuary because he personally knew Brandy and he wanted Aiden gone, or practicing with the turtles who needed to learn to fight against wolves, or learning to stretch their minds. They had discovered a property to settle on and to their delight it was already owned by the Thompson Pack and so they wouldn't have to spend a bunch of time waiting around for the closing. They would just be handing the Thompson Alpha his part of the tribute money they had stolen. Gabby worked hard to expand her talents and she successfully taught Raph to recognize the bond and even differentiate between his pack members. He was stubborn and surly most of the time but he was proving to be a quick study in the way of the wolf.

Gabby, however, was becoming restless. Her heat was due at any time and she was still in range of Aiden's pack. She knew her wolf would want to run in the forest and she would want to den. She wondered if Raphael would be able to contain her. She was the She-Alpha now so there was no woman who could subdue her in her pack. She knew she would have to have a talk with Raphael about this but it seemed that every time she brought something new to him he just got irritated. So she put it off

The time for the move to the Thompson pack grew closer. They packed their belongings and memorized routes and contingency plans and finally, the day came. Donnie brought the van to the nearest manhole in the dark of the night. Now a month after the wolves had disappeared, they hoped that Aiden had stopped the search for them. They quickly loaded what they could into the van. The turtle's friend, April, had rented a Moving truck and she pulled up after the first van was loaded. They got all of their stuff packed and then loaded themselves into the truck. Brandy drove the turtle's van. They knew they would be going through at least one toll on their way out of the city and the turtles couldn't be seen. Renee, Saffron, Gabby, and Gracie all decided to keep the turtles company. They pulled out of the alley they had loaded up in and they headed south.

Gabby kept close to Raph in the back of the truck. They had formed a tentative friendship over the month they had lived together. She had a better understanding of him now, especially because of all the time they had spent in each others minds during their practice time and training. She had come to be friends with all of the turtles but Raph was her Alpha and she felt safest with him. At the moment, that was very important because not only were they more exposed, but her heat was starting. She looked at her sister who was sitting with Mikey and her sister gave her a sympathetic look. Gracie could smell the faint traces of her pheromones.

The drive was tense and quiet. Every stop light, every time April had to decelerate, hearts leapt into throats and stomachs dropped but April never called the alarm. Not until they were a mere mile from the borders of the Thompson Alpha's territory. There was a sudden slam against the side of the truck which sent them spinning. As soon as they came to a standstill, Raph jumped in to action. Through his bond, he commanded Brandy continue on to the Thompson Territory and raise the Alarm. Hopefully they would have a border patrol that would be able to get to them quickly.

The doors were ripped off of the van and they could hear April screaming. Leo and Renee went to her aid. Raph knew they were sitting ducks in the truck and so he quickly got them out only to run smack into a pack of thirty wolves, all in hybrid form, all staring at the tiny pack that had tumbled from the truck. Next to him, Saffron, Gracie, and Gabby had also shifted to hybrid form.

"Gabby's on heat." Gracie told him through their bond. "We waited too long. If they catch her today she will be bred and she will find a way to end her life."

Fear shot through Raphael. There were too many to stand and fight. "It's a mile to the Thompson Territory." He said. "Do you think we can outrun them?"

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