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t went down just as Gabby had planned. She and Gracie were just chilling in her room, waiting. They were going to have to put up a real fight because these betas didn't know this was a staged thing. They were going to come in, talons ready. Gracie and Gabby both changed as soon as the door burst open and Gabby used her mind to put as many of them down as she could which really was most of them. Gracie skillfully incapacitated the rest, only gaining a few shallow wounds to her extremities. They grabbed the stuff they needed and they fled. Again, Gabby used her evasive techniques to keep them off of their trail and buy them time. Then she headed for Raph who had a sack over his shoulder with supplies. Without a word, they ran. They went deep into the forest, to the very southern boarder of the territory. It took them an entire day to get there without stopping to rest. There was a cave Dain had told them about. It was hidden behind a waterfall and was a favorite getaway of his and his mates that very few people knew about. It would hide their scent and conceal any noise they would make as well as shelter them from the elements.

              Gabby stood next to the pool the waterfall fell into. Her ears were perked forward and she listened for any sign of life. She sniffed the wind and with a huff she slid into the water, swimming straight for the waterfall. To prevent leaving a scent trail they would swim directly through it. The water pounded down on her back, pushing her under. She thanked the gods that she had inhuman strength because she would not have survived it otherwise. She struggled through and finally the pounding water calmed and she was able to break the surface, panting for breath. Her sister emerged behind her in a similar state of breathlessness immediately followed by Raph who seemed unfazed. She stared at him as she panted.

              "I'm a turtle. I do good under water." He said defensively.

              With a huff, both Gabby and Gracie shook out their coats and shifted into their naked forms. They had removed their pendants before swimming to prevent shifting human and getting their clothes wet. They toweled down and dressed quickly and then went about exploring their settings. Dain had done a lot to spruce up his little retreat. Wood furniture was set up here and there as well as a king sized bed and a lot of comfy rugs. There was even a hearth for a fire. She wondered where the vent for the smoke let out and decided it would be safer not to light one.

              "It's been a long hard day. We should get some rest." Gabby said as she pulled a couple of the plush rugs to the front of the cave. "I'll take first watch." She shifted wolf and then laid on the little bed she had put together, her ears forward, her eyes staring through the small opening in the side of the waterfall. She knew they would make it here eventually. She hoped her little trick would be enough.

              Raph climbed into the king sized bed. It was comfortable and Gracie climbed under the covers with him in her wolf form to keep the cool damp of the cave at bay. It may be summer but they were underground and that made it chilly. Raph could handle the cold but he liked having the warmth of his furred friend. He snuggled her close, pulling at her ear affectionately. She was like the little sister he never had, or even knew he wanted. He had never counted on having girls in his life. When April had stumbled in on them it felt more like a bad joke. It had hit Mikey pretty hard but Raph had always known that no human would ever shack up with one of them. They were too different, too big, too wrong. For years he had to live with that until these firecrackers had fallen into his life. He felt the fur of Gracie's tail brush over his leg as she twisted and curled herself around him, her head resting across his chest. She flicked out her tongue, brushing the scarification on his shoulder.

              "What does it mean?" She asked mentally as her tongue flicked out and touched it again.

              "Beast."  He answered.

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