The Huntress Freed

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Gabby's eyes connected with the strange silver eyes of the wolf that was Riley. They were waiting for her. "You guys get ready. When I track him down I'm going to need you there." She said and headed for the van. They drove to the battle sight and unloaded from the van. Then she shifted, heading for the trees. For an entire glorious hour, the wolf in her ran side by side with the royalty of their kind as an equal and as a friend, just as they had so many years ago. Together they found Aiden's scent in the mess of other scents and they followed it, thankful they hadn't had any rain overnight. They hunted well into the night, stopped and slept, and then got up and ran again in the morning. Raph's bond was wide open as she hunted, tracking her every move, ready to follow at a moments notice. The compound he had been occupying was empty when they got there and so they pushed on, alerting Raph that the Allies could move forward and claim it as yet another post.  The hunting party moved forward, the scent of their quarry growing stronger. He had slowed down. He must have thought they would stop and secure the compound. Gabby was beyond caring about safety anymore though. The bulk of her forces could clear that compound. Her mind was on one prize and one prize only.

The closer they got, the trickier it became to hunt him. He was a skilled in evasion but she was the huntress and she unraveled his tricks like a tangled knot of yarn. Bit by bit she pulled the tangled mess into a neat and clean trail until she hit the road and stopped. He'd been picked up.

"We need a van." She said to Raph who was just showing up at Aiden's last compound to clear it and begin setting it up for their occupation. She felt him acknowledged her request and after a while, a van rolled to a halt where they waited. Raph was driving, his brothers were in the back. They managed to squeeze in and off they went.

"He didn't go far." Riley whispered as she closed her eyes. "His next compound is a two hour drive and he stopped there. He isn't thinking. He's like a wounded animal." Her body jerked and her eyes opened. "I still haven't learned to control my powers completely."

"Yeah, well neither have I." Gabby said, her eyes hard as she stared straight ahead. "We'll worry about that after he's dead."

Riley wasn't wrong. They stopped a safe distance from his compound and called for reinforcements.

Gabby sent out her mind, touching Aiden's with a strength that made him tremble. She wanted him to know she was coming for him, that her powered exceeded anything he could hope to compete with.

"He's bolting." Gabby said. "Let's go hunting."

The wolves climbed out of the van, shifting and giving chase to the squad of wolves that had run from the compound in an attempt to escape. They didn't make it far before the triplets and Gabby caught up and rained hell down upon them. It was four against nearly thirty though and even though Aiden was being held powerless by her, that was a lot of hard fighting. She knew the turtles were coming to their aide and she was glad. The wolves Aiden used as his personal body guard were always good fighters and exceptionally large. The turtles hurried into battle just as two enemy betas converged on Gabby whose fighting had separated her from the protection of the triplets. Raph ran in and bulldozed one of them and then stabbed the other in the stomach with his Sai. Gabby jumped on the enemy beta's back as he doubled over and tore the side of his neck out. He fell to the ground, his blood spurting from his ruined neck. Onward they pushed. Aiden had taken off again and Val the Destroyer went with him, still healing from the vicious wounds Jayden had given him before he had managed to fight him off and make his escape. Furious, Mikey went after him and he quickly caught him, throwing his arm around his neck and squeezing, trying to suffocate the bastard. Talons dug into his arm and Mikey raged.

"This is for Gracie." He growled and with more strength than he had ever shown in his whole life, he jerked his arm, crushing the wolf's neck and stopping his heart. He dropped to the ground, dead and Mikey kicked him for good measure. By then, Aiden knew he couldn't run and he turned to face the youngest turtle. Raph came up beside him.

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