Taking Responsibility

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Donnie popped his head into Gabby's bedroom to see the three girls all piled on Gabby's bed. He couldn't help but smile at the bond they shared. He knew it to be as close a bond as he shared with his brothers.

"Can I come in?" He asked.

"Of course, Donnie." Gabby said. "You're not a complete asshat like your brother."

Donnie entered the room. "How's the leg?" He asked.

"It aches a little bit but our bodies heal pretty quickly so it's a lot better than it was a couple hours ago." She replied, but her leg and her out of line Alpha was wasn't something she wanted to talk about. "So did you have fun at the party last night?" She asked. The way she was arching her eyebrow suggested Saffron had told them all about it. He grinned sheepishly.

"It was the best night of my life so far." He admitted. A quick glance at Ronnie told him he had definitely said the right thing. Her eyes were shining and a big grin was plastered all over her face. "I was just headed for the library." He continued. "For an Alpha, Raph is entirely too uneducated in the life of a Were. I'm going to force feed him books until he knows better. I was just wondering if you wanted to join me Ronnie." He looked at her expectantly.

She hopped off of the bed. "Lead the way!" They exited the room together to the excited whispers of the sisters.

"So have you seen Raph since it all happened?" She asked. She assumed that he knew what she was talking about since he hadn't seemed surprised by Gabby's leg.

"Yeah. We had a talk with him but you know how impossible he is. Nothing is ever his fault and he's always right. At least Gabby knows how to shame him into admitting he's messed up. He plans on seeing Em again."

"Well of course he does." Ronnie said. "She took his virginity, it's natural for him to feel close to her after sharing an experience like that. I've asked around about her though and you know what? I don't think he's going to be into her for very long."

"Why?" Asked Donnie.

"She's an interior design specialist here. She dislikes fighting. She doesn't even like doing outdoors stuff unless she's running or hunting with the pack. She seems too dull for Raph." Saffron said.

"I hope so." Donnie said. "I see Gabby's reasoning for flying off the handle about this. I don't want his relationship to her to be a detriment to the pack." They walked into the library and Saffron led him to a few different sections where they collected books on wolf biology, pack politics, and a couple wolf history books. Saffron picked the one she had given to Donnie, as well as a world history one that involved the big situations from packs around the world.

"These should do." She said as she stacked the last one in Donnie's arms. He set them down on a nearby table and turned to face her.

"About last night." He said. She raised her eyebrows at him, waiting with a sinking feeling in her stomach. Was he going to reject her? "I just....well...." He was flustered, like he couldn't find the words so instead he stepped closer. He put his hand along her jawline, tipping her face upward and brought his lips down to hers. He was slow and gentle, giving her ample opportunity to pull away from him if she wanted, but she didn't. Dear god the last thing she wanted to do was pull away right then. As a matter of fact, she was contemplating dragging him to the reading couch a few yards away and having her way with him but she figured that would be a little too much a little too soon. He interrupted her thoughts by pulling away from her, eyeing her uncertainly. She realized that he wanted to know how she felt about the two of them and he was scared to ask.

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