Mission Impossible

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Mikey sat in the shade, chewing on a granola bar he had snagged when he had gotten a second. He was exhausted. Not all of them were as lucky as Raph who'd had a warm bed and a warm body to sleep next to. He'd ended up sleeping in a pile of wolves who had settled in around him against the edge of the barn. Needless to say, he hadn't slept well. He stifled a yawn and looked over as Leo approached and settled beside him. They were both sweating from the physical exertion of hauling dead bodies around in the hot summer sun.

"Shit sucks dude." Mikey muttered.

"Yeah, but it's gotta be done. These wolves gave their lives for our cause. The least we can do is get them cleaned up and give them a proper burial. We can thank our lucky stars it's not us while we do it." Leo replied, reminding his little brother that they could have it much worse than they already did.

"How many more fights do you think we'll have to go into?" Mikey asked.

"From what I know about Aiden, he won't stop until every last life at his command is spent or until he's killed. These battles could go on for years." Leo replied honestly.

"How are we supposed to survive that?" Mikey asked.

"C'mon Mikey. We made it out this time and worrying about what's going to happen next time isn't going to get us anywhere. Let's just worry about getting everything done here and we'll worry about the next battle when our meetings start up again." Leo said, clapping his hand over his brother's shoulder. Mikey sighed and nodded. Leo finished off the bottle of water in his hand and he and Mikey rejoined the masses.

By the end of that week, they had pushed passed New York City, reclaiming the territory there and claiming any wolves that had been left behind. There was no rest. The Alphas knew that keeping Aiden on the run and with little chance to regroup was paramount. Still, driving the battlefront relentlessly forward was physically and mentally draining as they stumbled upon random encampments of enemy wolves. By the week after that, they swarmed his compound and found it deserted except for the mangled bodies of some of his prisoners left as a message for them. He had retreated to another compound and that was dangerous. Gabby didn't know where he would flee to for sure and that meant he could come at them from anywhere. Still, that night they celebrated and Gabby and Raph made love like it was their last day on earth.

The day after they took the compound, a meeting was called. Raph, Gabby, Saffron, Mikey, Melody, Leo and the much recovered Donnie all entered together. Raph and Gabby took their place at Carl's side at the Alpha table and the others settled into their places. As the room settled, Carl looked out at them.

"We've come a long way in the last two weeks." He began. "I want to thank you for all of your hard work, dedication, and sacrifice. However, our work isn't done yet and our position is more precarious than ever. Aiden is hiding. If we don't know where he is, we can't prepare for his next move. We have to find him before we can move forward. I propose strengthening the perimeter and sending scouts to try to contact any remaining spies or finding his location directly."

"And who can we spare for scouts? If they do find him, he'll just disable them. I say we wait until the spies come to us. They know where we are. It'll be safer." An Alpha further down the table suggested.

"For all we know, all of our spies are held prisoner themselves. Waiting gives him time to regroup and to strategize. We can't have that. If he comes for us and Gabby isn't in the right place, we could lose everything." Carl replied. "We need to find him."

"Gracie, Saffron, and I have been with him since his first conquest. No one knows his old compounds, his old haunts, and his old habits the way we do. Send us. We can find him." Gabby said. She felt Raph tense beside her but she kept her eyes on Carl.

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