Becoming Pack

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Gabby managed to find a manhole and crawl out into the pale morning sun. She quickly covered the hole and headed for the first car she saw. She didn't notice three shapes silently emerge from the manhole and melt into the shadows. She hotwired the car and sped off towards the industrial part of the city. The turtles followed discreetly in a van. Every minute brought her closer to her family just as every minute brought her old Alpha's thugs closer to capturing them. She reached out with her mind, straining in her human form to reach that far. Mind communication wasn't a common thing in human form but it was one of her talents.

"Gracie?" She called to her younger sister.

"Gabby! Are you okay? Where are you?"

"I'm on my way. My bond to Aiden has been broken and he'll be coming for you. Be alert and don't let anyone in until I get there. Pack everything and get it ready to go. We'll take the money too."

When Gracie had given her promise, Gabby cut off her link and focused on getting there quickly. After nearly half an hour of tense driving she pulled up to an abandoned warehouse. She quickly exited the car and made a sweep of the building. It was scent free so she approached the door, calling for the people inside. She missed the flash of the white van pulling into the next ally where the turtles exited and quickly climbed to the roof where they entered and made their way into the rafters of the large space. They saw Gabby talking to four people who were gathering up what little they had and setting it by the door. They moved closer so they could hear what was being said.

".......did it happen?" One woman asked. "Who is your new Alpha?"

"His name is Raph but, Mom, he's not a wolf." The brothers looked at each other questioningly at the mention of their brother.

"Not a wolf? Well what is he then? A panther? A Mustang?"

"He's not a Were."

"Not a Were?!? What is he, human?" The woman looked extremely agitated.

"I don't really know what they are. I didn't have time to ask questions. I needed to get here. The cops came when I broke into the meat plant and I got shot a few times." She explained. "Just after I knocked them all out these four huge turtles showed up and kidnapped me. I needed energy to heal and they didn't bring my stolen meat and so I lost control of my wolf and she fought with them and it was Raph who finally subdued me. I forged a bond with him."

"You bonded to a Were-turtle." Her mother said in disbelief.

"They're not Weres. I don't know what they are but I know they're not Weres."

"So what now?" Another, younger woman asked.

"We need to go. I left the car running outside and if we can quickly get all of the bags in the car we could slip away before they found us."

"We can't run forever." Said the older blonde woman.

"Well it's the only option we have right now. Grab your stuff, let's get to the car."

"Gabby." Gracie said. "I can't hear the car anymore."

Everyone froze in silence for a moment and then they bolted for the opposite exit. There was a pounding sound at the main entrance. It sounded three times and then a truck tore through where the door had been, sending the bags flying in all directions. The truck backed up and people swarmed in through the hole.

"Stop!" Commanded a big man.

Everyone but Gabby came to a halt. She ran a few steps before realizing her family had been commanded by her old Alpha's second and lead Beta, Richard. She cursed and came forward, standing between her family and the handful of advancing men. The turtles got themselves into a position where they could help.

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