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When they finally managed to pass into the Thompson Territory, they immediately called for a police escort and one of the werewolves who was a cop came to their aid. They flew behind the cop, trying to get Donnie to the medical staff. They would have to bring him to the compound. The outpost wasn't going to be enough for his injuries. April skidded to a halt in front of the medical center emergency entrance and a team of doctors were already standing by. Donnie was loaded on to a bed and Leo was disengaged from him so they could wheel him into the exam room. Ronnie and the lead Doctor headed in, discussing what she knew about the attack and the injuries he had sustained. Raph went to follow but Gabby placed a hand on his arm. She shook her head when he looked questioningly at her.

              "They need all the space that they can get. We'll wait in the waiting room." She explained loud enough for everyone to hear. Together they headed for the waiting room of the emergency room.

              It was a long wait. Ronnie came out about thirty minutes in to let them know they had determined the extent of the injuries and Donnie was headed for surgery to stop his internal bleeding and reconstruct some of his muscles and rib cage. Then she headed back in to help. They waited for hours, Raph becoming more and more agitated as the time went by. Donnie wasn't his favorite brother, they didn't really understand each other, but he loved him just as fiercely as he loved his other brothers and he was just as worried for him as he would have been for any of the others. Gabby was also agitated. She sat quietly, bent forward with her elbows on her knees. She stared unseeingly at the tiled floor. She couldn't help but feel like this was partially her fault. She should have been stronger. She should have been able to protect them.

              "Don't do that to yourself."  She heard Raph whisper mentally. She looked at him and his hazel-green eyes stared steadily into hers. She looked back down and then closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She wished they would hurry.

              Finally Saffron came out, her face drawn with stress but she nodded and everyone gathered around her.

              "He's going to be fine. We put him back together. He'll need to lay low for a while but he'll be okay." She informed them.

              They all felt the tension bleed out of the room and Saffron brought her Alphas to his room. He was still out cold but he was resting comfortably according to his doctors. They estimated that even with Saffrons saliva and Donnie's advanced healing capabilities, it would take him at least two week to heal up and he would have to probably do some physical therapy after that to get himself back into fighting condition. Raph settled into one of the chairs by the door, determined to wait for his brother to wake up. Gabby hovered near him, uncertain for a moment, but then she turned and left. She felt like a stranger in her own skin. She was nervous and unsure of where she stood with Raph and she felt like she was intruding on what she knew was going to be a vigil. She handed for her room and as she went, her scrambled mind went back to the previous nights raid. She had trained so hard, done so much and it was all shot to hell in a matter of ten minutes. If it hadn't been for Raph, she would have crumbled in the first thirty seconds, even worse than when she had faced Aiden when she was in heat and they were fleeing to the protection of the Thompson Pack. How was that possible. She knew she was more capable now than she had been then but apparently strengthening her powers wasn't the only thing she needed to match that monster in mental combat. There was more to it and she needed to figure out what. She altered her course and ended up in the lounge where she knew Splinter was meditating. This couldn't wait though.

              "Splinter?" She called timidly as she let herself in to the room.

              "Come in, my child." He answered without opening his eyes. She entered the room and sat down on the floor across from him. She felt a spark of warmth when he called her that, like he was claiming her.

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