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Raph and Leo sat poring over the files and folders of Gabby's plans. It was detailed and well thought out but they wanted to make sure there were no blind spots or issues that she hadn't foreseen.

"Wish Donnie was here." Raph said. "He's got a knack for this kinda thing."

Donnie and Saffron had been sent off to the property they were originally supposed to set up in to prepare a place for the new Weres coming in as well as to set up a medical outpost closer to the territory line. Most of the newcomers would be medical staff and prisoners. With Carl's allies and the werecats in the picture, there was no point in trying to steal more soldiers, especially when it was too hard for them to differentiate between those who were loyal and those who were not.

"It'll be fine, Raph." Leo reassured his younger brother. "We can do this. We've been strategizing since we were fifteen."

"I know." Raph said. "There's just a lot at stake here."

"There's always a lot at stake." Leo replied.

I just wish we could keep Gabby close. We can't protect her if she's off bein' bait." Raph said. "I can't believe I'm letting her do this."

"Why are you?" Leo asked. It wasn't something he would have allowed.

"You didn't see the way she asked me." He said, shaking his head. "I could feel how much she needed to do this. It would really hurt her if I benched this plan. She thinks she has something to prove."

Leo just nodded. Raph was closest to Gabby so he trusted his judgment. Raph had done a lot of growing the last couple of months. He was less edgy and a lot more considerate of others. Pack life was definitely agreeing with him. Leo couldn't help but be jealous though. Even though he hadn't been around, he still thought about Gabby all the time. He was lucky he had his missions to keep him busy during the season. He'd had enough fighting to keep him tired and clear minded. If it wasn't for his missions, he knew he would have been a hard bastard to get along with.

"I don't know how you did this all these years." Raph said. "It's scary planning something that puts the family in danger."

"I had faith in all of you." Leo replied. "I trusted you guys to be able to take on whatever was coming. You know how well all of them fight. We'll be fine."

Raph looked at his older brother. He was the one person Raph trusted the most in the world to have his back. If Leo said they could do it, he believed him.

"It'll be nice." Raph admitted. "Getting back into the game. It's been so long since I had a chance to actually do something."

"You've been needed here," Leo said, "but I know what you mean. It was nice to get back to fighting the bad guys."

"The Ninja Turtles, back together again at last." Raph chuckled. "I just want everything to work out."

"It will." Leo said. "We'll make it happen."

The next night, everyone loaded up and got into position. Gabby stood on the rise, right in the path of the night patrol. They would be passing that area any minute and she had made sure to leave just enough scent to be recognized. The dark wolf growled as she looked down on her place of misery and then turned, fleeing into the forest, giving herself the biggest head start she could manage. She heard the howls a few minutes later and knew the patrol had not only picked up her scent, but recognized it. She pushed herself hard, trying to put as much distance as possible between them so that she could start dealing out tricks. She hoped everyone else was okay.

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