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Mikey stood before Leo, the muscles on his arms and shoulders flexing and relaxing impatiently. He was facing his eldest brother, Leo, waiting for a sparring match that would help drive the edge off. Mating season was a joke and a poor one at that. He wasn't usually an angry or overly aggressive person and turning into an imitation of Raph was something he certainly did not enjoy. Leo attacked, Mikey defended. Their weapons had been left aside. Using them during season was a bad idea. Muscles strained. Joints popped. Sharp blows were exchanged. Mikey was a tough opponent when the season hit. It brought all of his usually scattered thoughts and focus to one thing, dominance. Back and forth they sparred. Heavy blows rained from each of them. Mikey kicked low. Leo jumped up and slammed a fist into his head hard enough to make the room spin. Mikey went down and Leo stood the victor. That, of course, made Mikey mad.

"Why you always gotta beat me, man?" He asked.

"Cuz I have more discipline." Leo answered. He extended a hand to help his brother up but Mikey slapped it away like a petulant child.

"Fine. Be that way." Leo said, walking off to gather his weapons.

Mikey got to feet, grabbed his nunchucks, and stormed off. He strode through the halls and off into the hazy morning light. It was cold and overcast but that didn't stop him from leaving the warmth of the compound. He quickly made his way into the calm of the forest and found a sturdy oak tree that had branches perfect for climbing. He went as high as he dared and then sat and looked out over the forest. Birds chirped and the occasional squirrel scampered here and there. He took some time to center himself and was thinking of heading back to the compound when he heard a strange shriek followed by the howls of wolves not too far off. He quickly dropped from the tree and ran for the source of the commotion. He ran hard and about ten minutes in he almost ran headlong into the second craziest thing he had ever seen. It was...a...a.... a werecat? She was in her hybrid form and was taller than Mikey who stood at six feet. Her head was that of a cougar, shifting into a mostly human upper half until her mostly lion looking legs ant tail started. She stood on large paws where a human would have feet. Mikey was stunned by the exotic creature and she was staring at him with an equal mixture of awe and curiosity. Mikey realized she was wearing the same kind of outfit his pack had in their hybrid forms and his eyes searched her neck. There it was! The same amulet that let the girls in his pack shift into clothes hung around her neck. The werecat shifted back to human. She had tawny waves down to her waist and tan, glowing skin. It was here cat-green eyes though that caught his attention.

"I need to see Gabby." She said to Mikey but a bunch of wolves burst in on them and she shifted into her full cat form. If Mikey thought the wolves were big, he hadn't seen anything yet. This mountain lion easily had fifty pounds on the largest wolf in the group that faced her down. She was growling deep in her chest at them, warning them to stay back.

"Whoa, whoa!" Mikey said, getting into the middle of everything. "This is Storm Pack business. She needs to talk to Gabby."

One of the Thompson Betas shifted human so he could speak with Mikey. "We won't let her any closer to the compound without Carl's permission. Call your she-alpha and she can come here to see this cat." He eyed the growling beast distastefully.

Mikey used his growing bond to Gabby to tell her where to meet them. She showed up quickly, arriving in wolf form and shifting human. She stared when the werecat shifted back to human and still had her clothes.

"I was sent to meet you." The werecat said.

"The Triplets?" She asked.

The werecat nodded. "They saved me recently. I consider them close friends and when they asked me to come find you I gladly took the chance to repay some of what I owe them."

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