Narrow Escape

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They had switched drivers a little more than halfway through the trip, and Gracie woke everyone up an hour before they reached their destination, giving everyone a chance to wake up. Donnie injected the GPS trackers he had specially made so only one of three devices could read the signal. One was with Carl and the allied forces. The other was with their parents so they would be able to follow their progress. The final was hidden in the van, in case one of their party went missing. They all settled as their skin seamlessly sealed over the tiny chip. It was time. They piled out of the van after going over a map of the compound. Those who could shifted wolf. They would need their keen noses and instincts. Gabby led the way and the turtles covered the back of the group in case they were ambushed. They fanned out and moved quickly, entering where they knew patrols would be run. They were lucky. They came across the scent of the patrol guard. They had passed through only minutes before but that meant they probably wouldn't run into another patrol for a bit unless Aiden had changed his patrol habits. Gabby knew Aiden was afraid, and just like she had done, scared people did things they normally wouldn't do.

The only reason they made it to the compound was because Gabby was keeping her mind stretched to the limit, seeking any sentient beings. When she hit one she found out where they were going and what they were doing. The people she ran into didn't believe Aiden was there. They had received their orders from a superior Beta, but Gabby knew that didn't mean he wasn't there. Aiden knew they would have to send Gabby with whoever came after him. She would be able to oust his location from the first mind she ran into if they knew he was there so he probably would come in secret, trusting only a select few of his lead betas.

Gabby got as close to the edge of the woods as she dared, very cautiously picking out one mind after another, trying to find someone who would know where Aiden was. Finesse at the distance she was working at wasn't something she had developed and she slipped, touching the minds of a few people at once. She then and there knew her mistake as a howl went up through the compound. She had touched Aiden's mind. She turned and fled, her mind racing. The turtles couldn't keep up. Even with a head start they would be overtaken. There wasn't anyone close enough to save them.

"They're gonna catch us." Gabby projected to everyone as they all sprinted in the direction of the van. "Gracie, Ronnie, Melody, I want you guys to get to the van. I'll stay back with the turtles." She said.

"We're staying." Gracie ran beside her sister, letting their fur brush with every leap.

"You will go to the van and call reinforcements." Gabby commanded her sister with such intensity that her gait faltered and she stumbled for a second. Yelping her displeasure she split from the group and saffron followed her. Melody, however, remained.

"Go!" Gabby demanded.

"I'm not a wolf and I'm not in your pack. I don't have to listen to you." She said as she bolted ahead. "I'm going ahead to set a trap. Lead them to me."

The turtles were pushing themselves but the hunting howls of the wolves grew closer and closer. The fact that Aiden hadn't tried to halt them had been proof enough that he knew they were screwed. Luckily he hadn't noticed the other two run off. He was too focused on keeping tabs on Gabby and the turtles. When the wolves were finally nipping at their heels, Gabby reached out. "I can't get them to you. You'll have to come to us." She said to Melody as her talons plunged in and severed the neck of the first wolf to reach her.

Gabby thrust her mind out and stopped all of the near wolves in their tracks. The turtles rained death down upon them before the force of Aiden's mind collided with hers.

"I knew you would find me, pet. Why do you think I drew so far away. I knew you would have to come or risk losing the advantage. Now watch as your little pack dies." Aiden snarled in her mind, promising vengeance on her for her last victory. She fought him but that meant she could no longer hold back the tide of wolves streaming in. The turtles held their ground, slaughtering all who came near but Gabby couldn't split her concentration between defending herself mentally and physically. More wolves came and she felt Aiden draw close and then he appeared in the woods while his warriors piled on top of the turtles, disabling and disarming them. A beta wolf came and grabbed her by her scruff, forcing her to her knees.

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