Moving Forward

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Gabby woke to the feel of a hard, cool plastron against her cheek. His breath was deep and even, but Gabby knew he wasn't sleeping. He was lethargic. He didn't want to get up and face the day. Gabby knew his grief. She knew how shocking and unpleasant a death could be. She knew she had to get him up and facing the day.

"You're going to be late." She said.

"I ain't goin'." He replied.

"Yes you are." She answered.

"I can't." He said, his soft voice a testament to his suffering.

"Yes you can." She replied. She ran her fingers over the plates of his plastron, tracing the grooves that allowed the turtles to bend and flex. Her nails tested the hard edges and her finger tips slid gently over each pattern that was as unique as a finger print. "I know it's hard to realize she won't be there at the end of the day. I know it's going to hurt, but there are still people that depend on you. People that also lost last night and you need to be there for them. Share yourself with them and they will be there for you in return. Go there. Do your job. I promise you won't regret it."

Raph sighed. He didn't want to get out of bed. He didn't want to release the warm body next to him. He didn't want to face the wintery sunlight when he felt so dull, but Gabby was telling him he had to, and there was nothing he wouldn't do for his Gabby. He rolled out of bed and readied himself for the day. Gabby followed him out of the room and promised to meet him at the Medical center after breakfast. His face was sad and tired but he still gave her hair an affectionate tug. Telling her without words that he appreciated everything she had done for him.

Raph ate breakfast and walked to the medical center. He stopped at the front door. He didn't want to go in. He didn't want to finish his day without the bright little girl that no longer existed. He felt a hand slip into his and when he looked down he was surprised to see Gracie instead of Gabby.

"I knew Gabby was going to be late." She said in way of explanation. She gently tugged on his hand, leading him in through the door. Nurse Mae met him with a tight and rather unexpected hug that he eagerly returned. Mae felt his pain. Mae knew what it was like to no longer see Julia at the end of the day. When Mae finally stepped back she brushed a stray tear from her cheek.

"Back to it." Was all she said and off they went. Raph found comfort in helping the others. Keeping his hands and mind busy helped but it was the words of encouragement from the patients that eased his grief. It was their gratitude for his presence that lifted his spirit. Every one of the patients had something kind to say about him or about the sweet little girl who had nearly lived in that medical compound for three years. When the end of the day came, Gabby finally met him in the waiting room.

"I thought you were gonna be here today." He said. He was a little hurt that she would be off somewhere else when he needed her support.

"I've been busy." She replied. "Come on, everyone is waiting."

Raph was surprised to find he wasn't the only one following Gabby out of the medical center. An assortment of doctors, nurses, and even patients were following them. They traveled through the forest for a good couple of miles into a clearing he had never seen before. There was a large wooden pyre in the center. Raph had attended a wolf burial before. He knew it was Julia's funeral pyre. He didn't have a lot of time to observe it though. Gabby was pulling him forward to a place off to the side where a lot of people had gathered. As tall as he was, Raph didn't have a lot of trouble seeing what it was.

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