Testing the Waters

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"Merry Christmas everyone." Brandy said, hugging her two daughters close. "Gabby has a new Alpha and it looks like he will be taking us on too if he can beat us. We're alive and safe and we're all together. We have more to be thankful for this year than we've had in a long time."

"If only we'd had enough time to get presents!" Renee said. She glanced over at the pile of bags by the wall. "It's not as if we don't have enough money now."

"I'm just happy we're safe." Gracie said. "That's enough of a gift for me."

"Yeah, Mom." Gabby's best friend Saffron said. "I'm just glad we can be here. Together and safe beats presents any day."

Renee pulled her daughter into a hug, kissing her pale blonde head. Splinter returned to the room, carrying his gifts. He sat in the armchair and his sons quickly reassembled in the room. Spirits flew as they tossed gifts wrapped in plastic bags and newspaper to each other. They tore into the packages, their excitement a tangible thing that put the wolves at ease. It didn't seem to matter to the turtles that most of the stuff was made or worn out or second hand. They were just glad to have gifts at all.

"I think it's time I started lunch." Splinter said once everyone had a chance to check out their new stuff. He rose from his armchair but was surprised when both Renee and Brandy rose with him.

"We would love to help." Brandy said. "We haven't had a chance to actually cook a meal in a very long time."

"You're our guests." Splinter protested.

"You would be doing us a favor." Renee insisted. "Lead the way."

Splinter smiled softly. "Very well. Perhaps you can teach me a thing or two about Weres while we work." He led them off to the kitchen.

"What do you think they're going to make?" Gracie asked, her eyes sparling with excitement. Their moms were great in the kitchen.

"Anything would be perfect." Gabby replied. "I'm starving."

"You've obviously never had Master Splinter's vegetable rice." Mikey said, pulling a face. "I'd rather starve. Just don't tell him I said that."

"Your secret's safe." Gracie said, winking playfully. Mikey grinned. So did Leo and Donnie. Even Raph looked a little less grumpy at her light teasing. Not that Gabby was surprised. Her younger sister had always been a lighthearted, bubbly person with a unique talent of making everyone love her instantly.

"So do you guys like gaming?" Mikey asked, holding up the new video game he had received from Donnie for Christmas.

"I'm always down to try but its Ronnie who's the big gamer. Or at least she was before." Gabby said.

"You wanna play?" Mikey tentatively asked the willowy blonde.

"I'm a little rusty but I'll give it a shot." She replied.

Mikey handed her a wireless remote and turned on the big TV in front of them. He put the disk into the gaming system and started the game. The whole time that the adults worked on dinner, the turtles and the younger wolves took turns playing and cheering each other on. All of the awkwardness that had been there before evaporated as they realized they weren't all that different. Still, even as she cheered for her best friend, she couldn't completely relax. They were still in danger as long as Aiden's bond held.

She looked over at her new Alpha who was watching the TV intently. She tested the bond between them, causing him to twitch unconsciously. It was a strong bond, almost as strong as her bond to her father had been. She wondered why. Usually loyalty strengthened a bond but she had no particular reason to be loyal to the turtle. All he had been was rude and surly since she first met him. She wanted to know what he was thinking but her mother's warning resonated within her. She would only use her powers in delicate situations and this wasn't a delicate situation any more. If Raph was thinking about his new role or what was to come, he deserved to be able to keep that knowledge to himself.

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