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Gabby's heart was in her throat. Raph stood tense beside her. Aiden came forward through the dense forest, coming to a halt about twenty yards from where Raph stood with Gabby and Gracie. Slowly, his soldiers started to appear like ghosts among the trees. Some were human, some wolves but the majority were hybrid. Gabby swallowed hard. That didn't bode well. She knew she could keep Aiden's mind from the people behind her but she would have to focus hard to keep him from discovering their plan from her own mind. She focused instead on the way Raph made her feel and her joy at finally claiming him as her boyfriend. When Aiden's mind touched hers, she watched his face and couldn't help a smug smile as his jaw clenched in anger before he smoothed his expression.

"Where are they?"  Raph demanded and the Alphas attention switched to him. Gabby blocked his mind when she felt him attempt to read Raph and his anger grew.

"I want to make sure there is no trick planned." Aiden announced. "Order your bitch to let me into your mind and I'll show them to you."

"That's not how this works." Gabby spoke. "If you want access to my people, then allow me access to yours so I can see what you're really up to."

Aiden shook his head. "I will kill them, pet, if you don't do what I say."

"Try it and I will end you. You don't know what kind of strength that will give me. That will amplify my power beyond anything you could hope to compete with." Gabby replied.

"You think so?" Aiden sneered.

"Try me." She replied and she meant it. Desperation had revealed her ability to mind meld. She could only imagine what losing her family and her allies and the entire resistance to Aiden would pull from her. She was beginning to understand that she herself didn't really even know the extent of her own powers.

Aiden could feel the utter belief she had that she would be able to destroy him if she was pushed to desperation and his confidence faltered. "Alright, my pet. Let's just assume that there's something underhand going on here on both ends. I've brought my army, you've brought yours and I do believe a battle is about to ensue. I would never believe you would return to me willingly without some sort of escape plan. Here's what we'll do." He made a motion and three immobile bodies were dragged forward. The prisoners were deposited at Aiden's feet and he opened his mouth to speak again. Gabby struck out with her mind before he could utter anther syllable. His penchant for theatrics was a small weakness of his and she exploited it thoroughly as she mercilessly drove into his mind, releasing the prisoners from Aiden's mental control as he drew all of his power into himself to try and slow the piercing onslaught of Gabby's mental attack.

"Get here, now!" Raph commanded to Brandy. She was bloodied and weak but he hoped the command would give her the strength to push forward. Brandy pushed and pulled at her weak and wounded comrades, trying to get them away from the tyrant and his huge body guards.

As soon as the warrior betas saw that the prisoners were no longer immobile and were attempting to escape, they sprang into action only to collapse as Were-Cougars leapt from the trees. There were only a handful of them but with the element of surprise they were able to quickly dispatch the leading warriors and defend the retreating prisoners as they went. Gabby's focus faltered as she saw their ranks open to swallow the three prisoners.  Five of the Beta warriors lay dead between the two sides and one cougar had fallen, causing a howl to rise up among the ranks of the resistance. The yowling of he big cats could be heard as they moved forward to stand in the front ranks.

Aiden had seized the opportunity Gabby's divided focus had presented and he launched a counter attack, driving painfully into her mind. She ground her teeth and reached for Raph. She needed his help protecting her mind until she could regain control.

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