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Saffron knew her heat was coming. In a pack, the mature females often synced heat cycles within a couple days of their close family and friends. It made raising pups easier and gave them a better chance of having packmates to play and grow with. Gracie was already on her fourth day of her heat. Saffron knew hers would come at any time even though she was a little more than a month early. She eyed her boyfriend speculatively as he poured over a journal about some genetic research or another. She wondered how terrible it would be to have someone who she could have sex with during her heat while still not being able to have him to keep from getting pregnant. Did they have turtle birth control? She chuckled at the thought and Donnie looked up, pushing his glasses up as they had slid down while he read.

"Something funny?" He asked.

"Turtle sized condoms." She replied. His face went blank and she knew she had taken him by surprise.

"Sorry?" He asked, confused.

"My heat will probably start in the next few days. Gracie's heat will have triggered it. I was just thinking it would be nice if we had condoms so you could help me scratch that itch without impregnating me."

Donnie closed the book and contemplated for a second. "I'm sure I could find a way to make that happen. It can't be that hard. I've built a lot of sophisticated things in my life. A condom seems pretty straight forward."

Saffron saw the wheels turning in his mind and a rush of pride and excitement washed through her. He was really working on how to get it made. "You amaze me." She told him and he smiled at her with all the warmth of the sun.

"I'll do anything so you won't have to suffer. I know how hard it was on Gabby and now Gracie."

"It's not easy." Saffron agreed. "I'll be glad to have you with me if you can figure out how to make it on time."

Donnie gave her a cocky grin. "Watch and learn." He said and he whipped out his notebook.

Donnie wasn't joking. He did a little research, made some plans and then put together a rather slow and primitive condom maker in under twenty-four hours. All he needed was the latex solution. He had to ask Jayden for help there, sending him out into the world he would never be able to fit in to. Jayden went and returned and then Donnie was ready.

"Want to test it out?" He asked Saffron suggestively. She grinned.

"We have to make sure they're up for the challenge I suppose." She said and so she led him off to a side lounge in the lab and locked the door. They were going to test as many as they could before her heat started.

"You made what?" Raph asked in amazement.

Donnie grinned sheepishly. "Condoms." He answered. "It'll benefit Ronnie when she goes into heat. I'll be able to, well you know, help her out without having to worry about getting her pregnant. We can't exactly use human ones like the Weres can."

"That. Is. Insane." Mikey said, his eyes wide.

"It's really not. It's useful." Donnie defended. "Ronnie is thrilled about it."

"I bet she is." Leo answered, punching his arm. "Leave it to Donnie to find a way to have sex when it'll be the hottest."

"Brainiac." Raph grinned. He was proud of his little brother. His genius never failed to amaze.

"I thought it might be useful to you guys as well. I figure eventually you would find someone to settle with and they would have heats too and you probably wouldn't want a family within the first six months so this way you can still be together without worrying." Donnie said in a rush.

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