Part 20: The Plan

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[Hannah's P.O.V.]

Felix wasn't in his cell.

I walked into Emma's office, and the only thing that greeted me was an empty room.

I stood there, my hands in my jacket pocket, fingers crinkling the note. Why was I upset that he was gone?

I sighed and sat on the bed that Felix slept on not a day earlier. I knew why I was upset.

I moved slightly, and I heard the sound of paper. Raising an eyebrow, I stood up and looking under the bedsheets. There was a receipt from Granny's, and on the back neat handwriting read:

At least I have a place in your heart.

I bit my lip and shoved the reciept in my pocket. I was going to find him.

[Cole's P.O.V.]

"So, this will take away his magic?" I asked Rumple, holding a leather cuff in my hand. We were in his little thrift stop, with Austin and Henry/Pan.

"It should." Rumple said plainly, taking the cuff from me.

"What do I have to do?" Henry asked, looking from Rumple to me to Rumple again.

"All you have to do is lie there, with this cuff on, until you're back in your body." Rumple explained, placing the leather cuff on Henry's wrist. "Once you're in your own body, you'll bring the curse to us and it'll all be over." Henry nodded and sat on the cushioned bench.

"What do you want us to do?" Austin asked. Rumple walked over and grabbed a wand from the table behind him.

"If, for some reason, this cuff doesn't work, Pan is going to head out that door." He pointed the wand at the front entrance. Then he pointed to a sword rack. "Make sure he doesn't."

Austin and I nodded. Then Henry took a deep breath and laid down.

"Let's do this." He said bravely, and we all nodded.

[Austin's P.O.V.]

Cole and I were leaning against the door when we heard the talking in the other room. Their voices were too indistinct to make out.

"Are you ready?" I said quietly, and Cole just nodded, looking very intense.

"I've been ready for years." He replied, slowly getting up and silently making his way to the sword rack. I followed.

Cole picked up a dagger, wiggling it in his hand to test the balance. I grabbed a bronze sword and nodded to him.

Crashing came from the other room, and I jumped. Cole and I locked eyes.

"Isn't this adorable..." Pan grinned at us, pushing away the curtain separating the two rooms. We both stepped in between him and the door, blades pointed at the enemy.

"You're not going to hurt anyone out there." I said boldly, trying to make myself sound braver than I felt. Pan smirked.

"Move, or someone's getting hurt." Pan said simply, looking from me to Cole and back again.

"I won't let you kill anyone else. You're a monster." Cole threatened, his tone more deadly than I had ever heard it. "This ends today, Pan."

Pan looked at him and laughed. "You can't say anything about killing people, Cole."

Cole's face blanched. "I don't know what you're--"

"HOW MANY PEOPLE HAVE YOU KILLED FOR ME, COLE?" Pan yelled at him, and Cole froze. His determined glare softened.

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