Part 1: The Arrival

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[Hannah's P.O.V.]

My head was ringing as I slammed into the cold floor. Slowly pushing myself up, I looked around at the forest we were in. How did we get here?

One of my brothers was screaming at the other.

"We're where?" Austin asked, looking up at the sky. Cole just sighed and looked out at the shore we had landed on.

"We're in Neverland, Austin." He said, cupping his face in his hands. Austin spun to look at him.

"Neverland? You can't be serious..." He groaned. "If this is your idea of a joke it's not funn-" He started before Cole cut him off.

"Be quiet. Do you hear that?" Cole looked up, scanning the skies.

"Hear wh-"

"Shh!" I demanded, also looking up. A faint swishing sound could be heard, different then the wind blowing through the trees. Austin looked up as well, obviously being able to hear it now. We stood in silence for a while, looking around. Cole gasped.

"The Shadow is coming." He said, backing up slightly before turning to us.

"The Shadow?" I asked, looking at him and then the sky again.

"There really isn't any time to explain. We have to go." Cole looked as if he was about to run, but stopped himself when he saw we weren't following him. "Come on! We have to hide before he finds us!"

"We're not going anywhere until you tell us what's going on." Austin demanded, pushing me behind him. Cole looked nervous, but stepped closer.

"Listen, we really don't have time to talk about this. If we could just get to a safer place I'll explain everything..." Cole said, but his voice faded off when he heard the snapping of tree branches. He turned towards the noise of the sound. Out of the surrounding forest came at least ten hooded people, carrying weapons of some sort. Most were carrying bows, but the tallest of the people carried a giant club off his shoulder.

"He's found us..." Cole said, an unpleasant tone in his voice.

"I was wondering when I'd see you here again, Cole." The boy with the club said. They were closer now, and their faces could be seen from under the hoods. Most looked about 10-14 years old, but the tallest boy looked about 17, two years older than me, the same age as Austin.

"I wasn't planning on coming back. You of all people know that." Cole said, stepping foward to the boy. His face was now fully visible, with dirty blonde hair and a scar along his face. He smirked.

"Of course not. Resisting Pan probably wasn't the best way to spend your time here." The boy gripped his club tighter, looking as if he would love to use it.

"Well, it certainly wasn't a walk in the park." Cole said, not breaking eye contact with the boy. The other boys around him kept their drawn bows locked on all three of us, most on Cole, but some looking dead at us. The tips of their arrows shined brightly under the moonlight, as if they were tipped in black paint.

"The point is that you're back now, and Pan is most eager to see you again." The boy also didn't break eye contact, and didn't seem to notice Austin and me. One of the boys who hadn't drawn an arrow tapped him on the arm, pointing at us. The tallest boy looked away from Cole, and as he looked over to us a chill went down my spine.

"Oh, Felix, I don't plan on going back to Pan. That might have been obvious..." Cole said, but stopped as he noticed the boy's gaze switch.

"You've brought a girl to Neverland? Pan will not be pleased." The boy, Felix, pushed Cole aside and walked over to us. Austin pushed me back farther, bracing himself. I took a step back to keep myself from falling, and I shared an uncomfortable eye contact with Felix. I forced myself to look at Austin instead, who was staring at Felix with a murderous look. Felix waved his hand, and one of the boys drew an arrow, but instead of putting it on the bow, he gave it to Felix and took his club instead. The shining arrow in his hand, Felix walked up to us.

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