Part 5: The Darling

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[Austin's P.O.V.]

I woke up with a horrible pounding feeling in my head. I groaned and opened my eyes. I felt a shock when I realized I was in a cage. I looked around, trying to find a way out. My arms were tied to one of the wooden sticks holding the cage together, and I sighed. Leaning my head against the wall of the cage, I sat there for a while. Then I heard a girl's voice.

"Who are you?" She asked, and I looked around. 

 "Hannah?" I asked hopefully, looking beyond my cage and seeing another one. My heart dropped when I saw a blonde girl looking at me, not a red-headed one.

"Is Hannah your sister?" She asked, putting her hands on the sticks of her cage. I shook my head, sighing deeply.

"No, not really. We live in the same foster home..." I moaned. This wasn't something I wanted to talk about. The girl made a noise, as if to say oh.

"I'm Wendy, Wendy Darling." I looked over to her, laughing. Peter Pan? Neverland? Wendy? This was all part of some fairy tale.

"Let me guess... you have brothers named Michael and John, a dog named Nanna, and Peter Pan flew you here with pixie dust..." I said jokingly.

"How'd you know about my brothers...?" She asked, a serious look on her face. My smile faded. "Peter Pan didn't fly me here. The Shadow did. Why, is this a joke to you?"

"I... uh... it's not, Wendy, it's just..." I started, looking at her. "My name's Austin."

"Pan has talked about your sister, Hannah." She said sadly. I turned to her more.

"What did he say?" I asked, straining on the rope binding my wrists. She just frowned.

"He said something about holding her in a tree house... that's all I know..." Wendy didn't meet eye contact with me.

"You're not telling me everything..." I said, frowning. Wendy frowned more, then looked up at me.

She opened her mouth to speak, but closed it again.

[Wendy's P.O.V.]

How could I tell him what would happen to his sister? I mean, Neverland isn't the most pleasent place, and Peter Pan surely isn't the most pleasant person...


"Wendy, good news, you'll get a friend." Peter smirked, lowering my cage roughly.

"What do you mean?" I said, looking at him.

"A girl older than you came today through a portal." Peter said, walking to the cage. "She's more like our age, she can handle more than your 13 year old self." I felt sick. What was going to happen to this girl if the Lost Boys found her?

"What do you plan to do with her?" I asked. I hated the fact that Peter did what he did to girls, and I wouldn't wish it on even my most hated enemies.

"The usual... There are people on Neverland who would risk anything for her. I could use that." He smirked, and turned to me. "That's more than I can say about you..." He reached his hand in the cage, and I backed away from it. He pulled it back out, shrugging, and went to lift the cage back up.

A/N: Ah, short chapter... I had a bit of a block...

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