Part 6: The Fairy

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[Hannah's P.O.V.]

"Cole!" I screamed as I saw the back of his blonde head. He turned around, surprised to see me. I hugged him tightly, still shaking slightly. I wanted to cry, but for some reason I couldn't. This was all just too stressful. Cole wrapped his arms around me, and it felt nice to have kindness around me.

"Where have you been?" He asked, but something was off about him. I couldn't really put my finger on it...

"It's Pan... he..." This time I did break down, and Cole pulled me into another hug. He ran his fingers through my hair as I sobbed into his shoulder.

"It's over now..." He said quietly, walking me over to a log near the campfire. It was day time now, so the fire was out. As we sat down a few boys near us looked at me, but I ignored them. I leaned my head on Cole, wiping my eyes. He put an arm around my shoulder, holding me tight.

"What did Pan do to you?" He said lightly. I took a deep breath before talking again.

"He... held me captive, and..." I reached my hand to my chest, and took a sharp intake of breath when I remembered the pain. "He ripped my heart out..." I said, feeling my stomach tighten at the memory. Cole tightened his grip on my shoulder.

"It's okay now, he can't hurt you anymore." I pulled my head from his shoulder.

"Don't you see? As long as we're here, he can hurt all three of us...." I stopped talking and looked around. Austin was no where to be seen.

"What did it feel like?" He asked.

"What?" I looked up at him, and realized how close our faces were. If I wanted to I could've counted every freckle sprinkled on his face.

"How did it feel, having Pan's hand inside you?"

"That sounded sexual." I said, blowing his hair out of his eyes. We joked around like that a lot.

"Answer the question." He said seriously. This was weird, usually we laughed when someone said something perverted...

"Well... why do you want to know?" I asked him, raising an eyebrow. He grabbed my arms lightly, and being so close to my foster brother suddenly felt very uncomfortable.

"Just answer."

"It hurt... like an iron hand was gripping my heart." He scanned my face, and something in his eyes made me uneasy. I pushed him off my arms and scooted away slightly.

"How did you feel when you didn't have a heart?" I looked at him, my eyes wide.

"What's with these questions?" I asked, and before he could answer, Felix came up to him.

"It's done..." Felix started before noticing me. He had the same look that a child would have after they broke a vase in the house. He looked like he had just made a bad mistake.

As usual, my body tensed in fear. I admit I was afraid of Felix. I didn't know why, but something about him scared me. Maybe it was the feeling he gave off. Or maybe it was because the look he had in his eyes whenever he looked at me.

I looked away from him, looking just at Cole. "What does he mean?" Cole looked at Felix with a look of anger before turning to me.

"I have no idea." He said simply, but I didn't believe him.

"You're lying." I said, standing up quickly. Cole got up just as quickly, and Felix tightened his grip on his club.

"Where's Austin?" I demanded, clenching my fists.

"I don't know..." Cole said.

"You're lying!" I yelled, backing up. Cole smirked.

"Fine, you got me. I'm lying." Cole said, putting his hands up in surrender. He tried to take a step towards me, but I stepped back in return.

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