Part 7: The Blade

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[Cole's P.O.V.]

There was a sharp pain in my chest, and my eyes shot open. Taking a sharp intake of breath, I winced as Pan's hand came back out of my chest. My head was throbbing as I sat up. Pan was standing over me as I got to my feet.

"Is that it, then?" I asked, pressing my chest and looking at Pan's stare. A strange sense of nostalgia crept over me. I pushed the feeling away as Pan started to talk.

"I really don't need you any more..." Wow. Really kind. I looked around the camp, and a pang of guilt hit me.

"Where's Hannah?" I asked, looking at Pan again. He turned his head to the forest.

"She ran off. But don't worry, if Felix doesn't catch her, she'll make her way back."

"What makes you so sure?"

Pan turned back to me, a smirk on his face. "I doubt she'd leave Neverland without her brothers."

"What, so you just expect her to just walk in the camp?"

"Don't be foolish."

I turned away, looking into the forest. If I could only go and find her...

"Leave this camp, and I will find you, and I will kill you." I turned back to him. Pan smirked. "You of all people know I'm not afraid of bloodshed." Anger going through me, I lunged at him. He disappeared, and I stumbled through air.

"Fight, you coward." I muttered. A sword appeared in my hand, and Pan's voice came from behind me.

"Come on, then." I yelled and swung the sword as I turned around. Pan deflected it with a sword of his own. "Have I taught you nothing? You can do better!" He taunted, dodging my sword again. I swung my sword time and time again, fueled by blind rage.

"Maybe," Pan started, the words spaced by the connecting of swords. "you could" Cling. "hit me" Cling. "if you" Cling. "remembered" Cling. "your training." Swish. I stopped swinging, watching blood roll down Pan's cheek. My anger faded, a feeling of victory replacing it. He smirked, as if it was no big deal.

"This is how you hit someone." He mumbled and swung his sword towards me. It cut along my chest, and pain suddenly engulfed me. I cried out, falling to the floor.

"It'll heal..." He said, walking away and leaving me on the cold dirt. I pulled myself up, seeing the cut starting to stop bleeding. Cursing under my breath, I pushed on the wound.

A/N: Another crazy short chapter, I know... but I have a good idea for what's ahead :D so just bare with me, okay?

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