Part 21: The END

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[Hannah's P.O.V.]

Felix was slumped against the well in the forest, as I thought he would be. I could already tell his heart had been ripped out.

My eyes starting to burn, I kneeled next to him and placed my head on his chest. I knew there wasn't going to be a heart beat, but it just felt right.

My phone began to ring, but I ignored it. I almost couldn't move.

I didn't love Felix. I wasn't sure if I even liked him. But I had grown to know him. And now...

Now he was dead.

My phone rang again, and I answered it. Cole was on the other line, sounding frantic.

"Hannah..." He said breathlessly. "Where are you? I need you..." I stood up slowly and bit my lip.

"Cole? What happened?" I asked, worry colliding with my grief. Cole made a pained noise.

"It's Pan. He... Austin is hurt badly. I need you at Gold's shop."

"Felix is dead." I muttered, letting a tear fall down my face. Hearing it said out loud made it all seem real, but I needed to stay strong. It wasn't over yet. Cole was silent.

"Just get down here." He replied, and I heard him hang up.

"You don't deserve this..." I whispered to Felix. Of course, he didn't answer.


[Austin's P.O.V.]

I woke up to see Cole and Hannah looming over me. Then I felt the dull pain filling my muscles. It hurt to move, so I looked up at them instead.

"Where's Pan...?" I muttered, groaning at the throbbing in my head. Cole just sighed.

"Pan... is dead." Cole said softly. If he was dead, why did they both look so depressed?

"We weren't able to stop the curse. As we speak a green fog is enveloping the town. Soon everyone will be sent back to the, uh..." Hannah started to explain, almost reading my mind. She shot a confused look at Cole.

"They're going to be sent back to the Enchanted Forest. The town will disappear." Cole finished, smiling lightly at her. She forced a laugh.

"Right... I'm still getting used to it all..." She said lightly.

"We need to get out of here!" I slowly started to try and push myself up again, but my muscles burned in protest.

"I... I can't." Cole murmured. Hannah looked at him with pain in her eyes. It wasn't selfish pain like she had when Hook had given him the bean back in London. It was understanding. Neverland changed her more than all of us.

"He was born in the Enchanted Forest. The curse will take him either way." I pushed myself into a sitting position.

"Then we'll go with you." I said as promising as I could manage. Cole's face suddenly turned worried.

"No. You have a family to go to, you can't just--"

"They're just a foster family, Cole. We weren't with them long before you came around." I sighed. Of course, I would miss Mr. and Mrs. Nelson, but after what I had seen I don't think I could go back to a normal life just yet.

"It's not safe..." Cole frowned, looking from Hannah to me and back to Hannah again. Hannah smiled lightly.

"Nothing lately has been safe." She grinned, her eyes threatening tears. Cole's eyes lightened slightly, looking between the two of us and sighing softly.

"I don't know what will happen once we get back... there..." Cole's voice faltered, and it was plain to see that the Enchanted Forest held painful memories. After all, living there had pushed him to running away to Neverland. Hannah touched Cole's arm lightly, and he looked at her.

"Whatever it is, we can face it together." I nodded slightly, straining as I pushed myself up more. Hannah and Cole both looked down at me, and with a bit of a struggle they helped me to my feet. My muscles were burning with pain and exhaustion, the small shards of glass still stuck inside my skin. If we made it to the Enchanted Forest, I guess my first priority would be to find medical help.

I felt a small sense of panic as the wind outside the pawn shop picked up. We were about to literally go to another world, and neither of us knew what awaited us when we got there. Cole had a faint idea, but the last time he had been there he had only been 13. It was an unknown for all three of us.

Yet somehow, I felt calm.


[Cole's P.O.V.]

Harsh wind slapped our faces as Hannah and I opened the door to the shop, stepping outside with Austin supported on our shoulders. I could feel my heart beating roughly against my chest as I stared into the sky.

The giant green cloud of Pan's curse loomed over the town. We watched it as it slowly but surely made its way towards us. I could hear Hannah catch her breath.

I was worried about them. Austin and Hannah had no idea what they were up against in the Enchanted Forest. Frankly, neither did I. For a second, I wondered whether my dad was in Storybrooke. I frowned at the thought. A part of me hoped I wouldn't have to see him ever again. When I ran away to Neverland with Pan, that was the idea.

"Well, it looks like our ride is here." Austin muttered, and Hannah and I nodded. As we watched the green cloud ease it's way across the street to meet us, I squeezed both Austin and Hannah's hands in each of my own. I looked over and saw they were doing the same with each other. I smiled lightly to myself. We would face this together, hand in literal hand.

The green cloud of smoke slowly enveloped us, and I closed my eyes as the wind picked up substantially, blowing clothes and hair wildly. I took a deep breath in.

For better or for worse, I was going home.

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