Part 19: The Shadow

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[Austin's P.O.V.]

We had heard the screams, so of course we had to check it out.

As we got to the street from our room, we saw David, Emma, Hook and Tink running in the direction that we heard it come from. So, of course, we bolted after.

Hannah screamed and stopped dead when she saw Pan's shadow chasing someone. It was Mother Superior, the Blue Fairy.

We got to her a few seconds after the Shadow ripped her life from her body. Hannah fell to her knees, cupping her face in her hands, sobbing silently. I looked at Cole, fear across both our faces.

Pan wasn't in that box.

[Hannah's P.O.V.]

I decided to go with Emma and Mary Margaret, to see them release Pan. For some reason I just wanted to see his face.

We all got out of the car, and I stood near it, being sure not to get to close to the events that were about to go down.

Rumple waved his hand over the box, and with a red cloud of smoke Pan materialized right outside the town line, with Emma's gun pointed at his chest.

He got up wearily, looking around, confused. His eyes rested on me for a second, and I instantly took a step back. Then he turned to Emma, and flinched when he noticed the gun.

"" He asked, his eyebrows pushed together.

"What?" Emma quickly demanded, her gun not wavering.

"What are you waiting for?" Rumple said coldly. "Shoot him."

"Don't, please!" Pan said frantically, looking at everyone once again. He looked genuinely terrified. "I'm Henry. Pan... He switched our bodies."

"You expect me to believe that?" Emma said, staring at Pan. I bit my lip, nervous.

"Don't listen to him." Rumple chimed in. "It's one of his tricks."

"No, it's not." Pan said, looking over at Rumple. Then he shot his head back to Emma. "He did it right before Mr. Gold captured me in the box. I swear." With the last words he took a step forward, causing everyone to flinch and Emma to tighten the grip on her gun.

"Don't come any closer." She demanded, and Rumple rolled his eyes.

"Shoot him!" He yelled, and Pan looked over to him again.

There was a few moments of silence, then Emma spoke up again.

"Maybe he's telling the truth. Maybe that's why I can't shake this feeling something's off about Henry."

"Maybe that's what he wants you to believe! If he steps over this line, we're all dead." Rumple was getting impatient, indicating to the orange spray-painted town line.

"Alright..." Emma said slowly, and Pan shot his head back to her. "If you really are Henry, prove it. Tell me something only Henry would know."

"I... I got trapped in the mines." Pan stuttered desperately. "I tried blowing up the well... I like hot cocoa with cinnamon!" Emma's face became softer, but Rumple growled.

"This proves nothing." He said through gritted teeth.

"He's right, Emma." Mary Margaret frowned. "Henry could have told Pan all of this is Neverland."

"Pan might know facts..." Emma sighed. "But life is made up of more than that. There are moments, and he can't possibly know all of them." David smiled a little. I guess it was an inside joke.

"The first time you and I connected." Emma continued, staring at Pan. "You remember that?"

Pan looked at her, obviously trying to remember. Or to make something up.

"Not met but connected." Emma demanded, and Pan's face lit up.

He smiled. "Yeah."

"Where was it?"

"In my castle, right after you came to Storybrooke."

Emma's determination with the gun falted, and she squinted. "And what did you tell me?"

"That I knew why you gave me up."

Emma began to tear up. "Why?" She choked out.

"Because you wanted to give me my best chance."

Emma lowered the gun, still staring at Pan. She slowly put the gun in her back pocket and muttered, "Henry...?"

"Mom." Pan smiled, and they both raced over to hug each other.

Together they stepped over the line, and Pan hugged David and Mary Margaret.Rumple apologized, and together they walked back to the car. Pan stepped over to me, and towering over me he wrapped his arms around me. I winced, but as soon as I did he pulled away.

"I'm sorry..." He muttered, and the Henry behind the skin pushed through. I smiled and embraced him, laughing nervously. Then we all got in the car and drove back into town.

[Cole's P.O.V.]

Hannah burst through the door, followed by David, Mary Margaret, and...

"What the hell is he doing here?" I demanded, swinging my fist at the boy behind Hannah. The boy who ruined my life.

David grabbed my arm and pinned me down.

"It's not Pan, Cole." He muttered, pushing me to the ground. "It's Henry."

I looked up quickly, and saw Pan's surprised face looking down at me. Catching my breath, I stood back up again.

"I'm sorry..." I said coldly, walking away and looking out the window. I heard Hannah say bye, and soon the room door closed again.

Hannah walked next to me, grabbing my hand with her own and lacing our fingers together. I looked at her and she smiled, tightening her grip on my palm reassuringly.

"We'll be fine. They're going to take care of the real Pan now." I forced a smile and pulled her close, hugging her tightly.

God, if only I had known how wrong she was.

Guyssssssss, I started this series a year ago ;-; don't procrastinate, folks. It leads you to this.

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