Part 13: The Rescue Mission

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--About A Day Later--

[Hannah's P.O.V.]

I was sitting next to Felix on the floor when the earthquake hit. It was only for a second, but I nearly fell over. Felix let out a grin.

"Pan's done it!" He said to the Lost Boys, and they cheered. I looked at him, confused.

"He's done what?" Felix turned to me.

"He's taken the heart of the truest believer." Felix said simply, and I looked around.

"You mean Henry?" I said, turning back to Felix. Felix only nodded. "By taken his heart, do you mean like..." Felix made a grabbing movement towards my chest. My eyes widened. "What's going to happen to Henry?" I got a half-hearted shrug in return. Annoyed, I turned back the way I was, not looking at Felix but instead at Cole and Austin.

I caught Austin's gaze for a second, and he frowned pitifully. I shrugged before putting my head on my knees. I looked at my wrists under my legs and remembered when I had been poisoned with Dreamshade. It seemed like so long ago, even if it was only a week or so. There was a bit of dried blood still on the sleeves of my sweater, and my combat boots were still caked with mud. Was I going to be here until I died?

The first thing I heard was footsteps. Then voices. When I picked up my head I saw adults. There were six of them, carrying Henry's body. Before I could react, Felix stood up. Regina walked over to him angrily. Wendy (by this time we had been introduced) was sitting in a modern wheelchair looking thing near the fire.

"Where is he?" She yelled, walking closer to Felix.

"Gone." Felix said with a smirk on his face. Regina grabbed him by the cloak he was wearing. "There's nothing you can do, he's already won." He said slowly to her. The other fimilair adults walked closer, but this time they were with a new guy. He had dark brown hair. "Pan never fails." Felix said matter-of-factly.

"You won't talk?" Regina said, a look of hatred on her face. "How about a make you talk." She went to pull out his heart, but Emma grabbed her arm.

"Regina, wait." Emma said, and Regina let go of Felix's cloak.

"There's no time!" Regina said, turning to Emma. Emma pulled her away from Felix, who sat back down.

"I don't think torture is our best move here." Emma said softly. "Look at these kids, they've been to hell and back. We need to try something else." Regina calmed down slightly.

"Yeah, we've tried the 'cute and cuddley.' They don't respond to reason." Regina looked at Emma. "What else do you have to offer?" Emma looked at Mary Margaret.

"What every kid wants..." Emma turned back to Regina. "A mother." By this time the new dark-haired man was sitting with Henry, who was still out cold. Emma came closer to the group of Lost Boys and me, kneeling down. Felix was sitting once again next to me, and I scooted away.

"Guys, listen to me." Emma began, looking from boy to boy. "We are not gonna hurt you. I know you're loyal to Pan, and I get that." She looked to Felix, who was looking angry. "But you are making a terrible mistake. For a long time I thought I was never gonna find my family. I was an orphan, like all of you." That certain word stung my heart. Orphan. "A Lost Girl, and I was reminded today that I am not alone. That I have a lot of people that love me." Emma looked up at Mary Margaret and David, who smiled at each other.

"And I never thought that was gonna happen." Emma continued, looking back at us. She looked over at me, and smiled. "If that can happen to me, it can happen to you." I gave her a half-hearted smile in return. She turned again to Felix.

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