Part 16: The Help

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[Hannah's P.O.V.]

I laughed hysterically as I took the last step off the Jolly Roger. Back in the real world. Well, I don't think 'real' was a good word to describe it.

David and Mary Margaret had explained that everyone in this town was from the "Enchanted Forest." At first, I didn't believe a word they were saying. But then I let it sink in. How else could Peter Pan, Neverland, Capitan Hook be real?

Austin and Cole joined me, smiling madly as well. Felix was no where to be seen, but I found myself looking for him longer than I should have.

We were on a dock, surrounded by people. Two men went running to hug Wendy, a brown-haired girl greeted that weird leather pants guy, everyone was having happy reunions. I had Austin and Cole. I couldn't ask for anything more.

Mary Margaret came up to us. "If you'd like, I could buy you three some new clothes." I smiled.

"That would be amazing, if it isn't too much trouble." I said, and Austin nodded. Cole just smiled politely. Something was on his mind.

"It's nothing. Also, you can take showers in my house. You guys look really worn out." I wanted to hug her, but I was pretty messed up. Cole smiled politely at her.

"That's nice off you to offer, but we'll be fine--" Austin jammed Cole in the ribs, and he stopped talking with a pained moan.

"Cole's just too polite to accept things from people. We'd love the hospitality." Mary Margaret laughed and nodded. Then she pointed down the road.

"There's a diner called Granny's. Meet me there in say, an hour." Then she reached into her pocket and pulled out a card. "Buy as many clothes as you need." We thanked her and went on our way.

[Cole's P.O.V.]

An hour later we were cleaned and clothed, sitting with Mary Margaret and Emma at this cute little diner.

"We've put Felix behind bars for now, at least until we can be sure he won't try to break Pan out of Rumple's box." Emma explained between sips of hot chocolate. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Hannah shift, almost uncomfortably.

"What'll happen to him...?" Hannah muttered, stirring her tea nervously. Emma shrugged.

"Why do you care about that psycho?" Austin demanded, sitting in a chair that we pulled from one of the two-seated tables in the center of the room. Hannah looked up from her tea quickly.

"I uh... I don't care!" Hannah said defensively. Austin just glared at her. I cleared my throat and looked at Mary Margaret.

"So, what are you going to do with Pan?" Mary Margaret sighed.

"Rumple is going to trap Pandora's box somewhere."

"Where?" Mary Margaret opened her mouth to respond, but Emma nudged her lightly and gave her a warning look. I understood. We were new in town, we couldn't really be trusted yet.

I smiled polietely and stood up. "Right, well, I'm going to go see if I can get a room. We have to live somewhere, right?"

A/N: Sorry, short chapter, I know! Don't worry, you'll get a nice long chapter coming soon :D

Thanks for reading!

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