Part 3: The Game

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[Hannah's P.O.V.]

I pulled again at the ropes binding my hands, but it just rubbed off more of my skin. Pan had captured me at that clearing...

I was sitting on that tree, about to start moving again when I heard a voice behind me.

"Your brother is looking for you." I looked over to see Pan leaning against a tree.

"Where is he?" I had said, getting up and hurrying to him. Pan just smirked.

"Let's play a game, shall we?" He stared at me with a tempting look on his face.

"W-what? No, I've got to find my brother..." I turned around to walk away, but Pan grabbed my arm and spun me back to him.

"I can think of different things." He said before raising his open hand in front of my face. Suddenly I was too tired to stand, and I fell into Pan. He caught me, and I swear I heard him laugh before I fell asleep.

I had woken up in this tree house, my hands tied behind a huge piece of wood so I couldn't move. I yanked at the ropes again, and cried out in pain. The ropes had finally broken the skin, and I could feel blood soaking into the rope. I heard someone coming up the ladder, but I refused to look at them. I looked at the ground, trying to stop the pain in my wrists.

Footsteps could be heard walking around the small tree house, and as they got closer to me, I looked at the ground tensely. I could hear breathing next to me, and before I could do anything, my head was yanked up by my hair. Peter was looking at me, a mean look on his face.

"What do you want with me?" I said coldly, hoping Pan couldn't hear my beating heart, which beated louder and faster then ever.

"It's not what I want, but what my Lost Boys need." Peter smirked, looking at me with a tight grip on my hair. I tried to pull my head from his grip, but I just ripped out a few of my hairs. Wincing, I looked at Pan again.

"And, what is it they need?" I said bitterly.

"Company, some more than others."

"Company? There's about one hundred boys in your camp, isn't that company enough?" Peter laughed, but his look didn't fade.

"You would think..." He stood up and walked over to one corner of the tree house. Trying desperately, I pulled on the ropes again, and let out a louder cry as the rope dug deeper.

"Don't bother, those ropes are enchanted. Only I can take them off you." Pan looked at me as he picked up a pouch from the table in the corner. "Felix! Watch her!" I tensed again, causing the ropes to go even deeper. Peter saw this and smirked. Then he jumped down the ladder. I heard Felix coming up, and I put my head on my knees. Giving up on getting out of the ropes I just sat there.

Felix was in the tree house now, and he could be heard sitting on the bed. Again, I refused to look up. Without any warning, the cuts on my wrist burned, like someone had lit my skin on fire. I screamed and looked up. I clenched my jaw and tried with all my might to look at my wrists. Felix jumped when I screamed, turning his head to me. His hood wasn't up this time, and you could see a feather going down his shoulder from his scruffy blonde hair.

"What?" He said in his usual voice. When he saw that I was in pain, he started to walk over to me.

I winced with pain as I struggled to get off the ropes. Felix continued to go over to me, and when he was here he looked at my wrists.

"Dreamshade..." He muttered, grabbing my wrists with his cold hands without warning and making me jump.

I turned my head at a weird angle, trying to look at him. Instead of untying me, he walked over to a drawer in the tree house and grabbed a canteen. Then he walked over to me and kneeled down. He grabbed my face with one of his hands, and I pulled back.

"Trust me..." He said, looking at me with a worried expression. I stopped moving and let him grip my chin again. Felix then uncapped the cork from the canteen with his teeth. It made a pop and he spit out the cork. As it hit the ground I tried to free myself again, but one look from him stopped me. Then he took the canteen and put it to my mouth. I refused to drink at first, but after a little bit I allowed the water to go in my mouth. The burning stopped almost immediately, and all the pain in my wrist left.

Letting go of my face, he capped the canteen and set it on the floor. Then he sat next to me. Deciding there was no point in arguing, I just leaned my body as far from him as I could.

"Don't worry, I'm not the one who's going to hurt you." He said simply, but that didn't stop me from distancing myself from him as much as I could. Then someone came up the ladder, and I looked to see who it was. Peter came in, looking at Felix.

"I heard screaming. You're not being too rough, now are you Felix?" Felix just snickered and held up the canteen.

"It's done." He said, tossing the canteen to Peter. Peter caught it gracefully and put it on the table.

"Well done." Peter said, smiling. Felix just nodded and went to the ladder. Grabbing the empty canteen, he slid down the ladder and out of sight.

"What's done? What did you do to me?!" I yelled at him, knowing better than to pull on the ropes.

"Oh, it's all part of the game." Peter said, walking over to me. I screamed and tried to back up, but all I was doing was pushing myself against the wood behind me.

"Don't come close to me! You killed Cole!" Pan just laughed and got on one knee, looking at me eye to eye.

"I didn't kill Cole. I just did this." He said, before lunging his hand in my chest. My screams stopped as I let out a choked sound, his cold hands circling around my heart. This was not really pain, but it felt like the worst heartburn you've ever had times ten.

Peter smirked at my pain, and began to tighten his grip. I winced as my heart began to squish under his grip.

"What's wrong, Hannah? Can't take the pain?" He continued to squeeze, a psychopathic smile lighting up his face.

"Please... stop..." I said, trying hard to breathe. Peter nodded, and yanked out his hand. I quickly took an intake of breath, trying desperately to breathe normally again. Another sharp pain erupted in my chest, and I forced myself to look up. I saw Peter holding a red glowing thing, and it took a second to realize it was my heart. I wanted to scream, but I couldn't.

"Doesn't feel too good, does it?" He asked quietly. I made a noise and tried again to catch my breath. He gripped my face roughly and made me look at him. "Magic is amazing, isn't it?"

"What... have I done... to you..." I found it hard to make words as I looked at him.

He smirked. "Well, that's the problem. You haven't done anything for me." He shoved my heart back in its place, causing me to take a sharp breath. Then he got up and walked over to a small table near the trapdoor. Grabbing a silk pouch, he grinned st me.


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